Allvar Gullstrand

Black and white portrait photo of Alvar Gullstrand

Allvar Gullstrand (1862–1930) was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine 1911for his work on the dioptrics of the eye”.

In Stockholm 1890 Allvar Gullstrand defended his thesis Contributions to the theory of astigmatism. 1894 he became Uppsala University’s first Professor of Ophthalmiatrics. From 1914 he had a personal professorship in physical and physiological optics.

Gullstrand was entirely self-taught in the areas of geometry and optics; knowledge that he used to create a better theoretical understanding of how light is refracted in the eye. He wrote many scientific papers and books. He also worked together with among others the German optics company Zeiss, to improve glasses, microscopes and different optical instruments. Gullstrand’s ophthalmoscope is still to this day used for eye examinations.

In 1911 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine for his work on the dioptrics of the eye. Allvar Gullstrand was a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and of the Nobel Committee for Physics 1911–1929, as well as chairman of the latter 1922–1929.

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Allvar Gullstrand och Uppsala universitet idag

Allvar Gullstrand’s innovations are to this day central instruments in modern eye care. Today the Disciplinary Domain of Medicine and Pharmacy conducts cutting-edge and basic research in close collaboration with industry and Uppsala University Hospital. International contacts and exchanges exist on all levels, which facilitates the recruitment of tomorrow’s front-line researchers. At 21 different degree programmes the future’s doctors, nurses, biomedical analysts, pharmacists and other professional groups are being educated.

