LEAPFROG - A research initiative on Innovation Management for Societal Transformation

Society faces major societal and wicked challenges. Challenges such as negative climate impact as well as social and economic dysfunctionality. Expressed through, e.g., unequal public health, unsustainable energy systems, residential segregation, overconsumption and exclusion.

There is a need for a coherent holistic perspective on change processes

  • Within Leapfrog, we work with socio-technical system development with the aim of identifying hindering and enabling factors to utilize the potential of technical solutions in society.
  • Vi arbetar med olika former av systemverktyg. Continuous and integrated across different levels of organizing (operational to political).
  • We work to combine innovation development tools such as design thinking with the systems complex analysis tools in order to further develop a systemic design perspective.

This by:

  • Develop conceptual understanding of ‘better’ innovation management for societal transformation towards sustainability.
  • Focus primarily on innovative efforts.
  • Intersectoral where projects span across e.g., health care, energy, and tourism.
  • Action research, largely in collaboration with public actors.
  • Mixed methods including interviews, document analysis, vignettes, as well as processing of quantitative data.
  • Reflexive in questioning the role of prominent conceptual and technical tools in understanding and valuing innovation in society.

