AMC:s årliga konferens 2022

AMC:s konferens är internationell och all information om konferensen är därför på engelska.


AMC:s första årliga konferens hölls den 19-22 oktober på UKK, Uppsala Konsert och Kongress i Uppsala.

I samband med konferensen hölls även den högtidliga invigningen av centret i universitetshusets aula.

Första årliga konferensen 2022

October 19-22, 2022 • Uppsala, Sweden • Hybrid Conference (on-site and virtual)


Nuclear weapons are now on top of the agenda again in a way not seen for decades. The need to learn about the preconditions for nuclear disarmament in a broad sense is thus all the more evident.

Issues range from risk reduction, arms control, and non-proliferation in the immediate term to achieving security communities and disarmament in the long term, and concern many different disciplines and fields of inquiry.

In this context, the Alva Myrdal Centre will host its first Annual Conference in Uppsala, Sweden, on October 19-22 and online (in part). The conference opens on October 19 at 15.00 with the official inauguration of the Alva Myrdal Centre in the University aula. On October 20-22 the conference itself will take place. This conference is intended as a space to share and discuss research and ideas on nuclear disarmament, and aims to combine insights from the social sciences, natural sciences and other disciplines, as well as from practical experience.

The three-day conference will be a hybrid event featuring opening and closing plenary sessions as well as interactive thematic sessions to present current research. In addition to scientific panels there will be activities aimed at facilitating exchanges between academics, practitioners, civil society and the interested public. One ambition is to take stock of the state of the art, and a series of sessions will therefore be presentations and discussions on this theme.

