CDHU beviljas VR forskningsmedel--nationell samordning: forskarskola inom humaniora och samhällsvetenskap
CDHU beviljas forskningsmedel i Vetenskapsrådets utlysning: nationell samordning för forskarskolor inom humaniora och samhällsvetenskap. Fokus för den nationella forskarskolan i DH, DASH (DigitAl HumanitieS Graduate School), är att utrusta doktorander med de kunskaper och färdigheter som är nödvändiga för högkvalitativ, innovativ och kritisk forskning i gränslandet mellan data, kultur och samhälle.
We are excited to announce that the CDHU will be coordinating the national collaboration of a Digital Humanities doctoral programme within the humanities and social sciences funded by the Swedish Research Council (VR)! The focus of the DigitAl HumanitieS Graduate ScHool (DASH) is to equip PhD candidates in the humanities and social sciences across Sweden with knowledge and skills necessary to pursue high quality, innovative and critical research. The core organizations involved in DASH are (1) the Centre for Digital Humanities Uppsala at Uppsala University; (2) Humlab, the Centre for Digital Humanities at Umeå University; (3) the Centre for Digital Humanities at Gothenburg University; and (4) the DH Hub at Linneaus University.
Keep your eyes open for more news to come!
Information on DASH
Studying the nexus of data, culture and society is purported to be a success factor for value creation in a world of fast-pacing technology. The focus of the DigitAl HumanitieS Graduate ScHool (DASH) is to equip PhD candidates in humanities and social sciences across Sweden with knowledge and skills necessary to pursue high quality, innovative and critical research. DASH targets PhD candidates in the humanities and social sciences who do not yet possess specific computational or technical knowledge or skills, but who are interested to learn more with the purpose of applying this to their future thesis work. The aim is to introduce the participants to computational methods from a critical humanities and social sciences perspective and to increase collaboration nationally and internationally. DASH will significantly strengthen the future supply of competent researchers in the field by connecting the candidates across Sweden via PhD masterclasses at each partner institution, a summer school in digital methods for humanities and social sciences. It will additionally offer a one-stop shop for selected existing resources (courses, seminars, workshops) within partner universities Uppsala, Umeå, Linnaeus and Gothenburg.