Avslutade projekt
Leadership for Transformative Change
Transformers-programmet kommer att inspirera ledare med en mängd metoder för att driva förändring, arbeta med dem i deras transformationsprojekt och skapa peer-supportgrupper för andra transformationsprojekt och deltagare. Programmet genomförs i samarbete med ledande intressenter inom civilsamhället, privata och offentliga organisationer och med tre högt uppsatta internationella universitet.
- Ansvarig forskare frpn CHS: Eva Friman
- Finansiär: Svenska Institutet, Sida, Vinnova
- Partners: Institutionen för bygg- och anläggningsteknik och Centrum för hälsa och hållbarhet, Uppsala universitet, Karolinska Institutet (KI), Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet (SLU), SKR International, WWF, Business Sweden
- Period: 2022-2025
Hållbara kryssningsturismdestinationer i Arktis
Projektet syftar till att utforska sätt där små arktiska samhällen kan leva med kryssningsturism på ett mer hållbart sätt. Vi använder samskapande metoder för att generera kunskap som samhällen kan implementera för att få mer kontroll över utvecklingen av kryssningsturismen och därmed försträrka en hållbar utveckling av hälsosamma miljöer och mänskliga samhällen.
- Ansvarig forskare från CHS: Ulrika Persson-Fischier
- Finansiär:
- Partners: Nord University, Aalborg University, Högskolan Dalarna, Nordland Research Institute, Nord University, Northern Arctic Federal University, Icelandic Tourism Research Center, Uppsala Universitet
- Period:
Improving quality of neonatal care in Vietnam (NePeriQIP)
NePeriQIP – (Nepal Perinatal Quality Improvement Project) implements a package of multi-faceted quality improvement (QI) interventions for improving perinatal care in hospitals of Nepal. The intervention combines three different implementation strategies: (1) Facilitation, (2) Training, and (3) Audit and Feedback, with the aim to strengthen the health system and thereby improving quality of perinatal care in the hospitals.
- Ansvarig forskare: Ashish KC
- Finansiär: Laerdal Foundation
- Partners:
- Period:
Uppsala klimatprotokoll och civilsamhällessamverkan
Fokuserar på hur civilsamhällets organisationer kan samverka med offentliga och privata aktörer för att skapa hållbar utveckling, genom att fokusera på samverkanssätt och samskapande av kunskap och mening inom Uppsala klimatprotokoll.
- Ansvarig forskare: Ulrika Persson-Fischier
- Finansiär: MUCF – Myndigheten för ungdoms- och civilsamhällesfrågor
- Partners: Avdelningen för landsbygdsutveckling SLU, Institutet för bostads- och urbanforskning, Uppsala universitet och Institutionen för teologi, Uppsala universitet.
- Period: 2022-2024
Fiske för hållbarhet
Tillsammans med småskaliga fiskare samskapas idéer för hur fisketurismen ska kunna utvecklas på ett sätt som bidrar till hälsosamma miljöer och samhällen på Gotland.
- Ansvarig forskare: Ulrika Persson-Fischier
- Finansiär: Uppsala University through the advisory board for Campus Gotland
- Partners: Naturresurser och hållbar utveckling, Uppsala Universitet
- Period: 2019-2024
Surviving Birth and Thriving: Identifying infants at risk of death and disability in low- and middle-income countries
This thesis project aimed to evaluate methods for identification of infants in need of neonatal resuscitation and in risk of disability with particular focus on neonatal encephalopathy and cerebral palsy.
- Ansvarig forskare: Antti Kukka, Ashish KC, Helena Litorp
- Finansiär: Laerdal Foundation, Stiftelsen Promobilia, Linnéa and Josef Carlssons stiftelse, Folke Bernadotte Stiftelse, Födelsefonden
- Partners: Golden Community, Nepal; Paropakar Maternity and Women's Hospital, Nepal
- Period: 2021-2024
Contextualization of the Philani Mentor Mother model – a social innovation for improved child health among the hard-to-reach in Sweden
The overall purpose of the proposal is to study the implementation and effects of a social innovation with peer support targeting socioeconomically disadvantaged groups in the cities of Gothenburg and Malmö, Sweden.
- Ansvarig forskare: Per Kåks, PhD och Mats Målqvist, Professor
- Finansiär: Forte
- Partners: Yalla Trappan, Malmö och Tidigt föräldrastöd, Göteborg
- Period: August 2018 – May 2024
Artiklar i projektet hittar du här.
Reporting of pregnancy and adverse pregnancy outcomes in population and health surveys
Understanding factors that influence reporting of pregnancy and adverse pregnancy outcomes during population and health surveys in order to provide recommendations to improve DHS and HDSS data collection processes.
- Ansvarig forskare: Doris Kwesiga Kambugyiro, PhD och Mats Målqvist, Professor
- Finansiär: Uppsala Universitet
- Partners: Makerere University, Uganda
- Period:
Evaluating implementation strategies for improved food safety in Vietnam
This research project focused on the importance of reliable and safe food production and handling by exploring and evaluating potential solutions for a model of sustainable food market related to safer pork in Vietnam.
- Ansvarig forskare: Hai Hoang Tuan Ngo, PhD
- Finansiär: Australia Center for International Agriculture Research
- Partners: International Livestock Research Institute, Hanoi University of Public Health
- Period:
BONUS MIRACLE - Mediating integrated actions for sustainable ecosystems services in a changing climate
The overall objective of the BONUS MIRACLE project was to enact a social learning process that would lead to the identification of new governance configurations to reduce nutrient enrichment while providing multiple ecosystem services to diverse stakeholders in the Baltic Sea Region. The intention was to foster a process that acknowledged the need for an integrated approach to ecosystem services as a novel governance approach. To achieve this objective, learning platforms between project researchers and stakeholders were created in four case study areas, namely Berze (Latvia), Reda (Poland), Helgeå (Sweden), and Selke (Germany). Through these platforms, we facilitated deliberations among stakeholders, developed roadmaps and identified new models of cooperation and governance (conceptual, institutional and practice-based) with consideration to the need of adaptation to climate change.
- Responsible researchers: Neil Powell, Thao Do
- Partners: Linköping University, Sweden; POMinnO Sp. z o.o., Poland; Institute of Meteorology and Water Management, Poland; Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Germany; Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, Germany; University of Latvia, Latvia; Latvia University of Agriculture, Latvia; University of Copenhagen, Denmark; Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, Sweden; Stockholm Environment Institute, Sweden.
- Period: 2015-2018
Contact: Neil Powell, Thao Do
- Report on surfacing issues from the perspective of stakeholders and understanding measures to address those issues Pdf, 655 kB.
- Report on rethinking stakeholder boundaries Pdf, 2 MB.
- Report on reconciling multiple demands Pdf, 2 MB.
- Report on cross-case learning workshop Pdf, 1 MB.
- Report on Baltic Sea Region learning Pdf, 7 MB.
- Policy brief No. 2. Actions for more effective water resource management and policies delivering multiple ecosystem service benefits – Lessons learnt for the Baltic Sea Region Pdf, 771 kB.
- Roadmap for improving water resource management in the Baltic Sea Region: Enhancing the effectiveness of nutrient management and providing multiple ecosystem service benefits Pdf, 654 kB.
BONUS RETURN - Reducing Emissions by Turning Nutrients and Carbon into Benefits
The aim of BONUS RETURN was to improve the adaptation and adoption of eco-technologies in the Baltic Sea Region for increased efficiency and co-benefits. SWEDESD’s role was to foster co-learning processes between the project researchers and a diverse constellation of stakeholders in 3 case study areas (Fyrisån, Sweden; Vantaanjoki, Finland and Slupia, Poland) through the development and facilitation of an innovative decision support tool in the form of a Serious Game System (SGS). SWEDESD worked in close cooperation with the Department of Game Design at Uppsala University in the development process of the SGS.
- Responsible researchers: Neil Powell, Thao Do
- Funders: BONUS (Art 185), funded jointly by the EU and Swedish Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research FORMAS, Innovation Fund Denmark, Academy of Finland, and National Centre for Research and Development in Poland.
- Partners: Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), Warsaw University of Life Sciences (WULS), Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE), Swedish Technical Research Institutes of Sweden (RISESP), University of Copenhagen (UCPH)
- Period: 2017-2020
Contact: Neil Powell, Thao Do
Project website: www.bonusreturn.com
Advanced Regional Training Programme (ARTP) in Southern Africa
Advanced Regional Training Programme (ARTP) in Education For Sustainable Development (ESD) For Ecce, Primary and Tvet Teacher Educators in Southern Africa
This project aimed to provide capacity building to support educators for the implementation of Target 4.7 of SDG 4, which requires educators to integrate Education for Sustainable Development into all areas of education. The project focused on southern Africa, which is one of the region’s most at risk from climate change and the ongoing impacts of poverty.
Together with national, regional and international partners, UNESCO carried out activities under this project to achieve the following expected results in 11 Southern African countries (Angola, Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe).
- Sustainability principles integrated into education and training environments, with emphasis on curriculum change in Teacher Education Institutions (TEIs) and Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) College programmes
- ESD capacity of teacher and TVET institutions enhanced via an Advanced ESD Regional Training Programme (ARTP)
- ESD reinforced in national and international education and sustainable development policies, with emphasis on policies influencing the education of teachers and TVET educators for Goal 4 of the SDGs (Target 4.7)
- ESD Professional Networks strengthened in southern Africa
- Science education and uptake of science related careers enhanced through ESD integration and engagement
The project was built partly on 'Sustainability Starts with Teachers', an ESD Action Learning Programme for Secondary Teacher Educators in Southern Africa in 2017 and 2018. This GAP flagship programme has shown good results with participating TEIs completing Change Projects that show evidence of changed practice in the TEIs towards incorporation of ESD in the TEIs. The environmental scan of this initiative showed very poor and uneven integration of ESD into teacher education in SADC countries, as well as no integration (as yet) of ESD into teacher professional standards (currently being developed) and no Monitoring and Evaluation instruments for aligning ESD teacher education activities with monitoring and evaluation reporting on SDG4, Target 4.7.
The Sustainability Starts with Teachers started to address some of these issues, but only reached a few TEI’s at one level only, and needs to be expanded to include more secondary teacher educators, as well as early childhood teacher educators and primary school teacher educators, as well as TVET educators, STEM teachers, policy makers and curriculum experts in the subsector.
Responsible researcher: Shepherd Urenje
Funder: The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA)
Partners: The ESD Division of UNESCO, Paris; UNESCO Regional Office for Southern Africa (ROSA Rhodes Universit); the Southern African Regional Universities Association (SARUA); SWEDESD
Duration: 2018-2022
Early detection and treatment of adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes
Intrapartum-related neonatal encephalopathy (NE) is, along with prematurity and sepsis, one of the three main contributors to neonatal death and disability in the world. Early detection of asphyxia and NE complications is a prerequisite for early intervention. This programme aims to improve the identification and follow-up of infants at risk of adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes after perinatal insult in low-income settings.
- Ansvarig forskare: Ashish KC
- Finansiär:
- Partners:
- Period:
Tidigare finansiärer
Tidigare finansiärer
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Wellcare |
P. O. Zetterlings stiftelse |