Här hittar du alla nuvarande och disputerade doktorander hos Centrum för hälsa och hållbarhet.
Co-creating an Intervention to Improve Respectful Maternity Care and Reduce Perinatal Mental Disorder in Bharatpur, Nepal
Luong Nguyen Thanh
Bridging the gap: Leveraging the sustainability agenda to inform policies and actions on drivers of antimicrobial resistance
Atsuyoshi Ishizumi
Evaluating the implementation of infodemic management interventions to improve vaccine confidence and uptake in low-resource settings
Abubakr Mohamed
Diabetes care in Sudan - introducing diabetes educators in the public health system
Max Whitman
Max Whitman disputerade den 5 juni 2024 med avhandlingen "Reframing Bush-Fire Communication for Sustainability".
Per Kåks
Per Kåks disputerade den 8 maj 2024 med avhandlingen "Contextualising a South African social innovation for maternal and child health to mothers with experiences of migration in Sweden"
Antti Kukka
Antti Kukka disputerade den 25 april 2024 med avhandlingen "Surviving Birth and Thriving: Identifying infants at risk of death and disability in low- and middle-income countries"
Doris Kwesiga
Doris Kwesiga disputerade den 22 januari 2024 med avhandlingen "Exploring the Under Reporting of Pregnancy and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes in Population and Health Surveys: A Multi-Country Qualitative Study"
Hai Hoang Tuan Ngo
Hai Hoang Tuan Ngo disputerade den 14 juni 2023 med avhandlingen "Evaluating implementation strategies for improved food safety in Vietnam"
Maissa Al-Adhami
Maissa Al Adhami disputerade den 30 maj 2023 med avhandlingen "Health of refugee migrants in the early post-migration phase in Sweden: The role of health resources and health promotion"
Olivia Brunell
Olivia Brunell disputerade den 9 december 2022 med avhandlingen "Improving neonatal health care in Nepal"
Bronwen Holloway
Bronwen Holloway disputerade den 28 april 2022 med avhandlingen "Acute febrile illness, antibiotic use, and the role of diagnostics to target treatment in India"
Dipak Raj Chaulagain
Dipak Raj Chaulagain disputerade den 16 februari 2022 med avhandlingen "Improving quality of neonatal care practices in Nepal"