Sara Johnsdotter

Sara Johnsdotter
Professor i medicinsk antropologi
Malmö universitet
Fakulteten för hälsa och samhälle
Sara Johnsdotters forskarpresentation vid Malmö universitet


Sara Johnsdotter disputerade i Lund 2002 med en doktorsavhandling om hur synen på kvinnlig omskärelse förändrats bland svenska somalier: "Created by God: How Somalis in Swedish Exile Reassess the Practice of Female Circumcision". Utifrån forskning om denna praktik har efterföljande projekt kommit att röra sig om bland annat sexualitet och kvinnlig omskärelse.

Forskningsfrågorna idag rör förhållandet mellan genuskonstruktioner och samhälleliga perspektiv på genitala ingrepp (kvinnlig och manlig omskärelse, intimkirurgi, mödomsplastik, operationer av intersexuella barn och transsexuella vuxna). Ett projekt har handlat om klitoris idéhistoria och hur man sett på ingrepp på klitoris genom tiderna.

Pågående projekt genomförs med jurist fil.dr Lotta Wendel och handlar om hur myndigheter hanterar misstänkta fall av brott mot könsstympningslagen.


Samhällets åtgärder vid misstänkt könsstympning i Sverige: en proportionalitetsanalys av myndigheters handläggning av misstänkta fall.

Beskrivning av projektet
Studien leds av Sara Johnsdotter och medarbetare i projektet är jurist fil.dr Lotta Wendel vid Malmö universitet.


Projektet pågår från 2020–2022.

Publikationer i urval:

Johnsdotter, Sara & Wendel, Lotta (2022). Cultural change demands proportionate societal response in the handling of suspected FGM/C cases. IJIR: Your Sexual Medicine Journal. 

Johnsdotter, Sara, ed. (2020): Female Genital Cutting: The Global North and South. Malmö: Centre for Sexology and Sexuality Studies, Malmö University.

Johnsdotter, Sara (2020): The growing demand in Europe for reconstructive clitoral surgery after Female Genital Cutting: A looping effect of the dominant discourse? C Fortier (ed.), Réparer les corps et les sexes, vol. 1. Excision, circoncision et reconstruction clitoridienne. Droit et Cultures, 79(1): 141–166.

Earp, Brian D. & Johnsdotter, Sara (2020). Current critiques of the WHO policy on female genital mutilation. IJIR, 33: 196–209.

Johnsdotter, Sara & Essén, Birgitta (2020). Deinfibulation contextualized: Delicacies of shared decision making in the clinic. Archives of Sexual Behavior.

Wahlberg A, Johnsdotter S, Ekholm Selling K, Essén B (2019). Shifting perceptions of female genital cutting in a Swedish migration contextPLoS ONE 14(12): e0225629.

Palm C, Essén B, Johnsdotter S (2019). Sexual-health counselling targeting girls and young women with female genital cutting in Sweden: mind-body dualism affecting social and health care professionals’ perspectivesSexual and Reproductive Health Matters 27(1), 1615364.

Johnsdotter S (2019). Meaning well while doing harm: compulsory genital examinations in Swedish African girls. Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters 27(2), 1586817.

Mestre i Mestre R & Johnsdotter S (2019). Court cases, cultural expertise, and ‘female genital mutilation’ in Europe. Special Issue: Cultural Expertise and Socio-Legal Studies. Studies in Law, Politics, and Society 78: 95–113.

Wahlberg A, Essén B, Johnsdotter S (2018). From sameness to difference: Swedish Somalis’ post-migration perceptions of the circumcision of girls and boys. Culture, Health & Sexuality Volume 21, 2019, Issue 6. 

Johnsdotter S (2018). The impact of migration on attitudes to female genital cutting and experiences of sexual dysfunction among migrant women with FGCCurrent Sexual Health Reports 10(1): 18–24.

Johnsdotter S, Mestre i Mestre RM (2017). 'Female genital mutilation’ in Europe: Public discourse versus empirical evidenceInternational Journal of Law, Crime and Justice 51: 14–23.

Wahlberg A, Johnsdotter S, Ekholm Selling K, Källestål C, Essén B (2017). Baseline data from a planned RCT on attitudes to female genital cutting after migration: when are interventions justified? BMJ Open 7(8); e017506.

Wahlberg A, Johnsdotter S, Ekholm Selling K, Källestål C, Essén B (2017). Factors associated with the support of pricking (female genital cutting type IV) among Somali immigrants – a cross-sectional study in SwedenReproductive Health 14:92.

Johnsdotter S, Essén B (2016). Cultural change after migration: Circumcision of girls in Western migrant communitiesBest Practice & Research Clinical Obstetrics & Gynaecology 32: 15–25.

Johnsdotter S, Mestre i Mestre RM (2015). Female Genital Mutilation in Europe: An Analysis of Court Cases. Brussels: European Commission, The Directorate-General for Justice. 

Johnsdotter S (2015). Female circumcision. In Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality. Eds: P Whelehan & A Bolin. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. 

Johnsdotter S, Essén B (2015). Culture and sexual scripts in and out of Africa: Understanding FGC in relation to sexuality. Invited paper presented at Management of Women with FGM/C: 1st International Consultation. Paris University/Sorbonne, France, January 27-28, 2015 (available on Academia and ResearchGate). 

Johnsdotter S (2013). Discourses on sexual pleasure after genital modifications: The fallacy of genital determinism (a response to J. Steven Svoboda) Global Discourse 3 (2), 256–265. (Also published in the anthology Circumcision, Public Health, Genital Autonomy and Cultural Rights, 2014). 

Johnsdotter, Sara (2012) Projected cultural histories of the cutting of female genitalia: A poor reflection as in a mirrorHistory and Anthropology 23(1):91-114. 

Johnsdotter S, Essén B (2010) Genitals and ethnicity: the politics of genital modificationsReproductive Health Matters 18(35):29-37. 

Essén B, Blomkvist A, Helström L, Johnsdotter S. (2010) The experience and responses of Swedish health professionals to patients requesting virginity restoration (hymen repair) Reproductive Health Matters 18(35):38-46. 

Johnsdotter, S. (2010) "Kvinnlig omskärelse – en påstått utbredd men dold praktik " i Johnsdotter, S & Carlbom, A. (red.) Goda sanningar. Debattklimatet och den kritiska forskningens villkor. Lund: Nordic Academic Press. s.183-204. 

Johnsdotter, Sara (2010) “Female circumcision – violence in the name of religion?” i Ross, Jeff: Religion and Violence. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe Publisher. 

Johnsdotter, Sara (2009) Discrimination of certain ethnic groups? Ethical aspects of implementing FGM legislation in Sweden. Malmö högskola. 

Leye, Els, Deblonde, Jessika, Temmerman, Marleen, García Añón, José, Johnsdotter, Sara et. al (2009). Towards an improved enforcement of FGM-legislation in Europe: Dissemination of lessons learned and capacity building of actors in legal and para-legal fields. Ghent: International Centre for Reproductive Health, Ghent University. 

Johnsdotter, Sara (2007) "Persistence of tradition or reassessment of cultural practices in exile? Discourses on female circumcision among and about Swedish Somalis" i Hernlund, Ylva & Shell-Duncan, Bettina (red.) Transcultural Bodies: Female Genital Cutting in Global Context. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press. 

Johnsdotter, Sara (2004) FGM in Sweden: Swedish Legislation Regarding "Female Genital Mutilation" and Implementation of the Law. Lunds universitet: Sociologiska institutionen. 

Johnsdotter, Sara m.fl. (2003) "Aldrig mina döttrar": En studie om attityder till kvinnlig omskärelse bland etiopier och eritreaner i Sverige. Stockholm: Rädda Barnen. 

Johnsdotter, Sara, (2002) Created by God: how Somalis in Swedish exile reassess the practice of female circumcision. Lunds universitet: Sociologiska institutionen. 

