Vania Ceccato
- Titel:
- Professor
- Lärosäte:
- Kungliga tekniska högskolan (KTH)
- Institution:
- Institutionen för fastigheter och byggande
- E-post:
- Webbsida:
- Vania Ceccatos forskarpresentation vid KTH
Vania Ceccato studerar förhållandet mellan den byggda och sociala miljön och människors säkerhet och trygghet. En inriktning i forskningen handlar om hur stadsmiljöer kan utformas för att förebygga brott och öka tryggheten i samhället. Det kan till exempel handla om arkitektur och byggande av bostadsområden, men också om mindre förändringar på en otrygg eller brottsdrabbad plats.
Forskningen handlar även om säkerhet som ett folkhälsoproblem, i synnerhet kopplingen av kvalitén på den byggda miljön till risker för till exempel fall bland äldre eller självmord. Vania Ceccato undersöker också brott och rädsla utifrån en interaktion av kön, ålder, fysisk och psykologisk förmåga, socioekonomisk status eller andra individuella egenskaper. Hon menar att en persons rätt till säkra offentliga platser är starkt beroende av samhällets normer och strukturer som antingen främjar eller begränsar friheten att röra sig utan hinder eller rädsla.
Alla dessa aspekter är grundläggande delar i social hållbarhet. Som en del av KTH:s tredje uppgift samordnar Vania Ceccato ett nationellt nätverk (Säkraplatser) som syftar att förbättra kunskapen om situationsbaserad brottsprevention på lokal nivå i Sverige.
Women’s transit safety – several projects related to crime and safety from a whole journey perspective.
Publikationer i urval:
Ceccato, V. (2015). Rural crime and community safety. Routledge.
Ceccato, V. (2013). Moving safely: crime and perceived safety in Stockholm’s subway stations. Plymouth: Lexington.
Ceccato, V. Loukaitou-Sideris, A. (Eds) (2020) Transit Crime and Sexual Violence in Cities: International Evidence and Prevention. Routledge.
Ceccato, V., Newton, A. (2015) Safety and security in transit environments: an international perspective. Palgrave.
Ceccato, V. (2012) Urban fabric of crime and fear. New York, Dordrecht, London: Springer.
Ceccato, V., Langefors, L. & Näsman, P. (2021) Young people’s victimization and safety perceptions along the trip. Nordic Journal of Criminology (e-pub February 2021)
Ceccato, V., Li, G., & Haining, R. (2018). The ecology of outdoor rape: The case of Stockholm, Sweden. European Journal of Criminology, 16(2), 210-236.
Ceccato, V. (2017). Women's transit safety: Making connections and defining future directions in research and practice. Crime Prevention and Community Safety, 19(3-4), 276-287.
Ceccato, V. (2017). Women’s victimisation and safety in transit environments. Crime Prevention and Community Safety, 19(3), 163-167.
Ceccato, V., & Paz, Y. (2017). Crime in São Paulo’s metro system: sexual crimes against women. Crime Prevention and Community Safety, 19(3), 211-226.
Ceccato, V., Wiebe, D. J., Eshraghi, B., & Vrotsou, K. (2017). Women’s Mobility and the Situational Conditions of Rape: Cases Reported to Hospitals. Journal of Interpersonal Violence Vol 35, Issue 15-16, 2020, e-pub 2017.
Ceccato, V; Langefors, L; Näsman, P; Sundling, C. Trygghet i kollektivtrafiken i Stockholm i ett internationellt perspektiv: En handlingsplan mot sexuella trakasserier och brott i transitmiljöer. Stockholm: Kungliga tekniska högskolan, KTH.
Ceccato, V., Uittenbogaard, A. (2016) Suicides in commuting railway systems in Stockholm, Sweden. Journal of Affective Disorder, 198: 206–221.
Ceccato, V. (2016) Public Space and the Situational Conditions of Crime and Fear. International Criminal Justice Review, 26: 69-79.
Ceccato, V. & Bamzar, R. (2016) Elderly victimization and fear of crime in public spaces. International Criminal Justice Review, 26:115-133.
Iqbal, A. & Ceccato, V. (2016) Is CPTED useful to improve safety in parks? A test case in Stockholm, Sweden. International Criminal Justice Review, 26.
Ceccato, V. (2015) Rural crime and community safety: Introduction to the Special Issue. Journal of Rural Studies, 39, 57-159.
Wilhelmsson, M., & Ceccato, V. (2015). Does burglary affect property prices in a nonmetropolitan municipality? Journal of Rural Studies, 39, 210-218.
Uittenbogaard, A.; Ceccato, V. (2015) Temporal and spatial patterns of suicides in Stockholm's subway stations. Accident Analysis Prevention. 81:96-106.
Ceccato, V. (2015) Ensuring safe mobility for all: The case of Stockholm, Sweden. Municipal Engineer, 168(1).
Da Costa, B., Ceccato, V. (2015) Household safety measures: The case of Stockholm. Crime Science. 4: 2-12.
Iqbal, A., Ceccato, V. (2015) Does crime in parks affect housing prices? Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention, 16: 97-121.
Bamzar, R., & Ceccato, V. (2015). The regional ecology of elderly falls in Sweden. GeoJournal, 1-14.
Ceccato, V. (2014). The nature of rape places. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 40: 97-107.
Ceccato, V. (2014) Safety in transit environments. Security Journal, 27: 127–131.
Ceccato, V., Uittenbogaard, A.C. (2014) Space-time dynamics of crime in transport nodes. The Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 104: 131-150.
Bamzar, R., & Ceccato, V. (2014). The nature and the geography of elderly injuries in Sweden. GeoJournal, 1-21.
Uittenbogaard, A.C., Ceccato, V. (2013) Making transport nodes safer: an agenda for actions in underground stations in Stockholm, Sweden. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 20:73-100.
Ceccato, V., Hanson, M. (2013) Assessing safety in parks: a multi-method approach. Review of European studies, 5:1-17.
Ceccato, V., Uittenbogaard, A.C. (2013) Environmental and wildlife crime in Sweden. International Journal of Rural Criminology, 2: 13-27.
Ceccato, V., Dolmen, L. (2013) Crime prevention in rural Sweden. European Journal of Criminology, 10: 89-112.
Ceccato, V., Uittenbogaard, A.C., Bamzar, R. (2013) Safety in Stockholm’s underground stations: the importance of environmental attributes and context. Security Journal, 26: 33-59.
Ceccato, V. (2013) From ‘defensible space’ to ‘space of flows’: integrating geographical information into urban safety research and planning. Urban design and planning, 166:15-23.
Uittenbogaard, A.C., Ceccato, V. (2012) Space-time clusters of crime in Stockholm, Sweden. Review of European studies, 4: 148-156.
Ceccato, V., Lukyte, N. (2012) Safety and sustainability in a city in transition: the case of Vilnius, Lithuania. Cities, 28: 83-94.