%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % This script is used to load the different data used for the analysis % reported in: % % Daniel Nohrstedt, Maurizio Mazzoleni, Charles F. Parker, and Giuliano Di % Baldassarre. Policy change after natural hazard % events, Nature Communication % % This script was prepared by Maurizio Mazzoleni % Uppsala University, 2020 % mail to: maurizio.mazzoleni@geo.uu.se % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% cd Input_data %%Load policy data load HFA_2007_2009.mat load HFA_2009_2011.mat load HFA_2011_2013.mat load HFA_2013_2015.mat %%Load frequency and severity of natural hazards load emdatcountries_1970_2018 load EM_DATA_1970_2018 %%Load income level values load Income_classes_values.txt fid_Income_countries = fopen('Income_classes_countries.txt'); txt_Income_countries = textscan(fid_Income_countries,'%s','delimiter','\n'); Income_countries=txt_Income_countries{1,1}; cd ..