Arne Tiselius

Arne Tiselius (1902–1971) was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1948 “for his research on electrophoresis and adsorption analysis, especially for his discoveries concerning the complex nature of the serum proteins”.
Arne Tiselius studied in Uppsala as a student of Nobel Prize Laureate The Svedberg. He came to work with charged particles’ movements in electrical fields, so called electrophoresis, and got his Doctor’s degree 1930.
He continued his work with electrophoretic analysis and was in 1938 given a special research professorship in biochemistry. In 1946 has appointed head of the new Department of Biochemistry, which has since worked with several different biochemical analytical methods such as electrophoresis, chromatography, phase partitioning, and gel permeation chromatography, all very important methods for biochemical and biomedical research which are still used for analysis of for instance DNA.
Using electrophoresis and other methods, Tiselius was able to show that blood serum consists of four different proteins; albumin and alfa-, beta- and gamma globulin. For this discovery he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1948. Arne Tiselius was elected vice chairman of the Nobel foundation in 1947 and later chairman in 1960.
Arne Tiselius and Uppsala University today
The Departments of Chemistry
Biochemistry has a long history at Uppsala university, with roots in the research of chemists and Nobel Laureates The Svedberg and Arne Tiselius. To this day, biochemical research of high international quality is being conducted at the chemistry departments in Uppsala, although in new areas. The research is characterised by high scientific value and has many potential practical applications, for instance in drug development and targeted development of proteins.
Research at the Department of Chemistry - BMC
Research at the Department of Chemistry - Ångström
Tiselius Hall
In 2011 Uppsala Biomedical Centre’s large lecture hall was renamed the Tiselius Hall, in memory of Arne Tiselius. A bust of Tiselius was also placed in the lecture hall.
År 2011 hedrades Arne Tiselius genom att Biomedicinskt centrums stora föreläsningssal döptes om till Tiseliussalen. En byst av Tiselius placerades också i salen.