International faculty staff services


Postal address:
International Faculty and Staff Services
Human Resources Division
Box 256
751 05 Uppsala

Segerstedt building from above.

About us

Support for international faculty and staff is shared between the departments and International Faculty and Staff Services. Your host department is your first hand contact at Uppsala University. They will assist you with many of the practical arrangements before and upon arrival in Uppsala or Gotland.

International Faculty and Staff Services provide complementary and in-depth support and information to international researchers, lecturers, doctoral students and administrative staff. We also organise a number of activities, including introduction seminars, information meetings, social activities, guided tours and Welcome receptions. Once you arrive in Uppsala/ Gotland and receive an email address by Uppsala University, you are welcome to be added to our email list and get updates about our upcoming events. By email, we will send information about coming activities and events which will help you get to know your new surroundings and other international employees. To be added to our email list, please send an email to us at with the title "Receive updates about upcoming events".

Uppsala University’s International Faculty and Staff Services is a EURAXESS Centre. EURAXESS – Researchers in Motion is a unique pan-European initiative delivering information and support services to professional researchers.

Uppsala University has a collaboration with Uppsala International Hub (UIH). UIH provides information about moving to, living in and working in Uppsala. They also organise events for internationals in Uppsala, such as guided tours, after works, informational seminars etc. To subscribe to their newsletter and get updates about their upcoming events, register your email address at their registration link (

