Development Studies A

30 credits

Syllabus, Bachelor's level, 2SK021

A revised version of the syllabus is available.
Education cycle
First cycle
Main field(s) of study and in-depth level
Development Studies G1N
Grading system
Fail (U), Pass (G), Pass with distinction (VG)
Finalised by
The Board of the Department of Government, 26 February 2009
Responsible department
Department of Government

Entry requirements

General entry requirements

Learning outcomes

After completion of Development Studies A the students are expected to:

  • be able to describe the most central global development problems
  • independently formulate and discuss problems within the area
  • have some knowledge of basic theories and concepts, especially regarding:
  • development, democracy, and the state
  • the impact of colonialism on development theories and developing countries
  • development economics
  • anthropological perspectives on globalisation and the Third World
  • be acquainted with some current research and research discussions
  • independently and critically analyse and discuss central problems in development
  • connect the theoretical studies to a practical reality and a possible future job market


1. Development, Democracy and the State 7.5 credits

Aims (expected study results)

The aim of this course is to introduce the students to basic concepts, facts, arguments, and causal theories about development. The purpose is also to study and discuss the role of aid, globally and in Sweden. A part of the course focuses on and departs from recent research on development, democracy, and social capital.

Content of the course

The course has four themes: Introduction to the development discourse, aid, the development state, and social capital. The text book Politics and Culture in the Developing World, the two chapters in the UNDP report, and the well known book by Amartya Sen will introduce you to some of the most important problems and discussions about development. The role of aid in the development process will be discussed in connection with Emerson's edited volume, the Swedish government's bill on aid from 2002 and some 'external' lectures. Through aid to democracy and conditionalities external actors can influence democratic processes. Possibilities and problems with such processes will be discussed in connection with Democratisation in the European Neighbourhood, plus some articles (TBA). The last theme of the course is social capital and democracy. During the last 10-15 years democracy has become a dominant idea in debates and policies about development – as a goal in its own right and as a means to achieve other goals. Anirudh Krishna's book analyses in the context of villages in northern India the importance of social capital for democracy and development.


The teaching consists of lectures, seminars, and video film. The course is taught in English.


Students are examined through a written exam. Active participation in seminars, which include written assignments, gives credit when doing the written exam. Grades awarded Fail (U) - Pass (G) - Pass with Distinction (VG). In addition, grades will be given according to European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), that is using a seven-step scale.

Deepening related to the requirements of degree

The course aims to give students knowledge and understanding about the field and a practice in independent evaluation, critical treatment and discussions of this knowledge.

2. Development theory and colonial legacies 7.5 credits


After the course, the students are expected to be able to

- account for main trends in how perceptions of development have changed over time in colonial and post-colonial Africa, Latin America and South Asia since 1800

- account for examples of how colonial policies in Africa, Latin America and South Asia been formed in relation to perceived insufficiencies obstructing development

- analyse how perceptions of similarity and difference between groups of people influence development policies

- account for examples of how perceptions of nationality, ethnicity, race and gender been integrated parts of development perceptions

- account for how development and underdevelopment theories been worked out in relation to colonial and post-colonial experiences in Africa, Latin America and South Asia

Content of the course

The course contains an analysis of perceptions and theories of "development" and "progress" and how these perceptions have influenced the political, economic and social practices in South Asia, Africa and Latin America since c. 1800. The course deals with changes in the perceptions of development caused by colonial and post-colonial experiences. Further, the course deals with perceptions of race and ethnicity, of sex/gender and of how social power was organised politically as integrated parts of perceptions of development. The course is given by teachers from different disciplines to illustrate different perspectives on issues of development in history.


The instructions consist of lectures and seminars.


Examination is given through a written exam. One part of the exam might be examined by written assignments and active participation in seminars. In order to pass the course the students need to pass the written exam. Grades are awarded according the scale "failed", "pass" or "pass with distinction". In addition, grades will be given according to European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), that is using a seven-step scale.

Specialisation in relation to examination requirements

The course provides the students with the opportunity to practice independent evaluation and critical treatment of development theories by relating these theories both to their epistemological context and to the historical contexts within which they were worked out.

Further instructions

A prerequisite for successful studies are active participation in seminars and lectures and the continuous reading of the course literature.

3. Development Economics 7.5 credits

Aim of the course (Intended Learning Outcomes)

Analysing major economic questions relevant to less developed economies this course aims to use economic analysis to further the understanding of the obstacles to development and discusses appropriate policies that can be adopted. Issues related to development, growth, inequality, poverty, human capital, rural stagnation, trade, foreign finance and investment, foreign aid, sustainable development and environment are discussed using examples from Asia, Africa and Latin America.

Content of course

The course begins by exploring the prospects for economic growth and development in poor nations as indicated by economic analyses and historical growth experience. It further explores the classical theories of economic development. While discussing important issues like inequality, growth and poverty we also try to investigate: Why inequality is bad? Does economic growth lead to inequality? Are economic growth and poverty removal conflicting goals? And which policies can lead to a reduction of inequality and poverty. We further discuss the Human Capital Theory and the role of education and health in development, while focusing not just on the quantity but also the quality of service provision and the impact of AIDS on the developing economies. Agricultural institutions and stagnation, sustainable development and environment degradation are explored along with policies that can be followed by developed and developing countries to solve these problems. The course further takes a detailed look at the role that international trade, foreign investment and foreign aid plays in development. Examples from Asia, Africa and Latin America are used to illustrate different problems and solutions of development.


The course includes a series of lectures, supplemented by guest lectures from experts dealing with development issues. In addition, seminars are conducted with students in smaller groups to encourage further discussions around topics related to the lectures and recommended literature.


A written examination will be conducted at the end of the course. To pass, the students need to score at least a G grade (50 percent points)

Grades awarded Fail (U) - Pass (G) - Pass with Distinction (VG). In addition, grades will be given according to European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), that is using a seven-step scale.

4. Development and Armed Conflict 7.5 credits

Aims (expected study results)

The aim of this course is to introduce the students to basic concepts, facts, arguments, and causal theories about the relationship between development and armed conflict. The purpose is also to study and discuss the role of aid, globally and in Sweden, with regard to armed conflict. A part of the course focuses on and departs from recent research on reconciliation and transitional justice in countries emerging from armed conflict.

Content of the course

The course has four themes: Introduction, resource scarcity and the so-called resource curse, reconciliation and transitional justice, and the role of development cooperation in the context of armed conflict. The Miniatlas of Human Security gives a survey of political violence in the world, and of the relationship between armed conflict, poverty and different types of political institutions. The widely known and discussed World Bank research report Breaking the Conflict Trap provides an overview of findings on how poverty breeds armed conflict, and how armed conflict in turn causes poverty, so that poor countries may end up being caught in a conflict trap. The link between armed conflict and scarce natural resources (e.g., conflict between herders and farmers over dwindling water resources), and between armed conflict and a relative abundance of certain types of resources (e.g., oil, diamonds) is dealt with in several recent articles from academic journals. Reconciliation processes are believed to be important preconditions for peace and development in societies emerging from armed conflict, as is the issue of transitional justice – or the balance between truth telling and justice in post-conflict countries – and these issues are discussed on the basis of recent research (scientific articles and book chapters). Two manuals from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency and the Development Assistance Committee of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development respectively serve as the point of departure for discussions and exercises on conflict sensitive development cooperation and the role of aid in peacebuilding.


The teaching consists of lecture and seminars. This course is taught in English.


Students are examined in two steps: through 1) active participation in three mandatory seminars and 2) a final written exam. If absent from a seminar, the student must hand in a 2 page PM, in which the seminar question is discussed on the basis of the assigned literature. A PM can be handed in for one seminar, if further seminars are missed the student may participate in that seminar the next time the course is offered. Each seminar will contribute to 15% of the course grade (so 45% in total), the written exam will make up 55% of the course grade.

Grades are awarded according to the scale "failed", "pass" or "pass with distinction". In addition, grades will be given according to European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), that is using a seven-step scale.

Deepening related to the requirements of degree

The course aims to give students knowledge and understanding about the field and a practice in independent evaluation, critical treatment and discussions of this knowledge.


The teaching consists of lectures, seminars, video films, and study visits.


The various parts of the course are examined by means of written tests. An opportunity for a re-test is given ca 3-4 weeks after the first exam. The time and place for the written tests is announced in the schedule on the net. Each of the four courses also has seminars. In course 4 the seminar participation is a course requirement; in course 1 and 2 the seminar is not required but gives credit in the written exam. Grades awarded Fail (U) - Pass (G) - Pass with Distinction (VG). In addition, grades will be given according to European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), that is using a seven-step scale. To get the grade "pass with distinction" for the whole A course that grade is needed for at least 15 points of the totally 30 points.

Course level in relation to degree requirements

The course aims to give students some knowledge and understanding about development studies and a practice in independent evaluation, critical treatment and discussions of this knowledge.

Other directives

No prior formal qualification is required except general entrance requirements. To be able to pursue this course in a satisfactory way good knowledge from the courses in social science and history from high school is probably needed. Since most of the course literature is in English a good command of English is required. Note that some of lectures, and the whole course in Development Economics, is taught in English. If you would like to have further information about suitable prior knowledge or experience, please contact the department's reception.

