Uppsala University Alumni Network

The Uppsala University Alumni Network is a global network for all former students and staff members of Uppsala University. The network offers you a way to keep in touch with the university and former classmates, as well as opportunities to meet new friends and give back to your Alma Mater. To date, over 30,000 alumni in more than 150 countries have chosen to become members.

Support Uppsala University

As a donor, you can help Uppsala University maintain its position among the world’s leading higher education institutions. You can also help us to achieve our utimate goal - conducting research and education that makes a significant and positive impact on society in the long term.

If you are interested in giving to Uppsala University, we can help you to find a project that you are passionate about. Your support can make a big difference.


If you have questions about the Uppsala University Alumni Network, please contact the Alumni Team at info@alumni.uu.se.


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