
The station’s unique location between a freshwater lake and the sea offers superb conditions for both freshwater and brackish water studies.

The Ar Research Station is used both for research activities within the University and by external researchers, and also for student projects and degree projects. A number of research projects have been carried out, and several published scholarly articles, PhD theses and degree projects have been produced at Ar.

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Completed research projects

  • GRASS: Growing algae sustainably in the Baltic Sea
    Researcher in charge: Gunilla Rosenqvist, Uppsala University
  • Pilot project to study the impacts of seal and cormorant on fish stocks around Gotland
  • Impacts of ocean acidification on reproduction in marine and brackish fish - Researcher in charge: Josefin Sundin.
  • Development of a crayfish population (Astacus astacus) over time – impacts on growth, sexual maturity, sex ratio and migration patterns) - Researcher in charge: Rolf Gydemo, Gotland County Administrative Board.
  • Sexual selection and life history traits in pipefish - Researchers in charge: Anders Berglund and Gunilla Rosenqvist.
  • Offspring competition in pipefish - Researchers in charge: Mario Cunha, Gunilla Rosenqvist and Anders Berglund.
  • Effects of drug contamination on aquatic organisms – Researchers in charge: Josefin Sundin, Gunilla Rosenqvist and Anders Berglund.
  • Monitoring for sustainable management of Gotlandic flounder - Researcher in charge: Anders Nissling
  • Population structure of flounder (BONUS INSPIRE) - Researcher in charge: Anders Nissling
  • Effects of eutrophication, ocean acidification and oxygen deficiency on sexual selection in pipefish – Researchers in charge: Josefin Sundin, Gunilla Rosenqvist and Anders Berglund
  • Impact of harvesting algal maths on recruitment of flatfishes - Researcher in charge: Jesper Martinsson
  • Development of a sustainable Gotland flatfish fishery – resource exploitation and management - Researcher in charge: Anders Nissling
  • How environmental change can affect the reproduction of the sand goby (Pomastoschistus microps) - Researcher in charge: Isabel Mück, Universität Tübingen (Germany)
  • Studies of cod behaviour when caught in cages - Researcher in charge: Sven-Gunnar Lunneryd, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
  • Egg production in turbot and flounder - Researcher in charge: Anders Nissling
  • Biology of flatfish fry – with the focus on turbot - Researcher in charge: Jesper Martinsson
  • Reproductive success in three species of the plaice family (Pleuronectidae) in the Baltic - Researchers in charge: Anders Nissling and Lars Westin
  • Development of cod and sprat stocks in the Baltic – factors affecting the balance in Baltic fish populations - Researcher in charge: Anders Nissling
  • Energy resources and reproduction in herring/Baltic herring in the Baltic - Researcher in charge: Anders Nissling
  • Ecology of the sea trout in small watercourses - Researchers in charge: Peter Landergren
  • Pike recruitment in coastal areas around Gotland - Researchers in charge: Peter Landergren
  • Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) spawning in Gotland’s watercourses – a threat to natural sea trout stocks? - Researchers in charge: Peter Landergren
  • The interaction of MHC – mediated mate choice and plastic immune challenge on mate choice behavior in Syngnathus typhle and Nerophis ophidion – Researchers in charge: Olivia Roth, Gunilla Rosenqvist and Anders Berglund
  • Within-population selection component analysis to identify the signature of sexual selection in a population of straight-nosed pipefish, and among-population phenotypic and genome-wide variation to identify how much sexually selected genomic and phenotypic variation exists and how population structure affects the signature of selection – Researchers in charge: Sarah Flanagan, Gunilla Rosenqvist, Anders Berglund and Adam Jones

Would you like to do research here?

There are opportunities to run your own research project at Ar. The research station currently has overnight accommodation for 8 people.

Premises and equipment

Housing, travel and booking

