Policy brief: Informing the public about cardiovascular risk

Any health care interventions should be made after careful consideration of the benefits and risks for the individual. But experts and the general public sometimes have different views on what the benefit actually is. By examining which groups benefit from health care efforts, they can be directed towards particularly vulnerable groups and individuals. In a newly issued policy brief, Åsa Grauman reveals her recommendations for how best to inform the public about cardiovascular risk. 

(Image removed) Åsa Grauman

Understanding how the public perceives risk is important for designing the information correctly: to build on the individual's pre-understanding, to bridge knowledge gaps, and to correct inaccuracies. From a societal perspective, it is also important to ensure that health care efforts are equal. 

Åsa Grauman (Link removed) is a postdoctoral researcher at Uppsala University’s Centre for Research Ethics & Bioethics. In her policy brief (Link removed) , she accounts for what is important to consider, and why. And offers concrete suggestions for how to work preventatively through taking practical action. The recommendations build on her dissertation about the public’s perspective on cardiovascular risk information and are meant to support clinicians, people and organisations that work with health information, health education, and risk communication, as well as interest and patient organisations, caregivers, and researchers. And the public. Because everyone has a heart.

Download (in Swedish)

Grauman, Åsa. (2021). Policyrekommendationer: Informera om risk för hjärt- och kärlsjukdomar. Zenodo.

