The Ethics Blog

On the Ethics Blog and its Swedish language sister blog Etikbloggen we discuss the significance of research and the questions raised by the results.

Pär Segerdahl is editor of both blogs. He invites you to have a look, a read and a bit of dialogue with us at Etikbloggen and the Ethics Blog.

The Ethics Blog: A research blog from CRB

Visit The Ethics Blog or its Swedish language sister blog Etikbloggen.

  • Conceivability and feasibility of artificial consciousness

    Can artificial consciousness be engineered, is the endeavor even conceivable?  In a number of previous posts, I have explored the possibility of developing AI consciousness from different perspectives, including ethical analysis, a comparative analysis of artificial and biological consciousness, and a reflection about the fundamental motivation behind the development of AI consciousness. Together with Kathinka […]
    The post Conceivability and feasibility of artificial consciousness appeared first on The Ethics Blog.

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  • The need for self-critical expertise in public policy making

    Academics are often recruited as experts in committees tasked with developing guidelines for public services, such as healthcare. It is of course important that policy documents for public services are based on knowledge and understanding of the problems. At the same time, the role of an expert is far from self-evident, because the problems that […]
    The post The need for self-critical expertise in public policy making appeared first on The Ethics Blog.

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  • Do the goals of care reflect the elderly patient’s personal preferences?

    Person-centered care is not only an ethical approach that values ​​the patient’s personal preferences and decision-making. It is also a concrete way to improve care and the patient’s quality of life. This is especially important when caring for elderly patients, who may have multiple chronic conditions and various functional limitations. This requires sensitivity to the […]
    The post Do the goals of care reflect the elderly patient’s personal preferences? appeared first on The Ethics Blog.

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  • Columbo in Athens

    One of the most timeless TV crime series is probably Columbo. Peter Falk plays an inquisitive police lieutenant who sometimes seems so far beyond ordinary time reckoning that he can make Los Angeles resemble ancient Athens, where an equally inquisitive philosopher cared just as little about his appearance. I hope you have seen a few […]
    The post Columbo in Athens appeared first on The Ethics Blog.

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  • Were many clinical trials during the COVID-19 pandemic unethical?

    It is understandable if the COVID-19 pandemic spurred many researchers to conduct their own studies on patients with the disease. They wanted to help in a difficult situation by doing what they were competent to do, namely research. The question is whether the good will sometimes had problematic consequences in terms of research ethics. For […]
    The post Were many clinical trials during the COVID-19 pandemic unethical? appeared first on The Ethics Blog.

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