Studies in Religion and Society is an Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis series, publishing research related to CRS. All titles are available to buy at the Uppsala University online shop, and several of them are free to download from Diva (see list below).
Editors: Martha Middlemiss Lé Mon & Anders Sjöborg
- 21. Vanja Mosbach. Voices of Muslim Feminists: Navigating Tradition, Authority and the Debate about Islam. 2022
- 20. Anna Wrammert. Med(ie)vetenhet, motstånd och engagemang. Gymnasieungdomars tal om och erfarenheter av religion. 2021.
- 19. Linnea Jensdotter. Religion och politik i hybrida mediemiljöer. En analys av kommentarer till nyheter om Miljöpartiet, Kristdemokraterna och Sverigedemokraterna på Facebook. 2021.
- 18. Anders Bäckström. Forskning om religion och samhälle. Erfarenheter av en centrumbildnings framväxt och etablering vid Uppsala universitet 1997–2019. 2020.
- 17. Maximilian Broberg. ’Stay A while and Listen’. Understanding the Dynamics of Mediatization, Authority, and Literacy in Swedish Religious Education. 2019.
- 16. Josephine Sundqvist. Beyond an instrumental approach to religion and development. Challenges for church-based healthcare in Tanzania. 2017.
- 15. Oriol Poveda Guillén. According to whose will. The entanglements of gender & religion in the lives of transgender Jews with an Orthodox background. 2017.
- 14. Anneli Winell. "Godis för kropp och själ": Välbefinnande och vardagsandlighet i tre svenska kvinnotidningar. 2016.
- 13. Jonas Lindberg. Religion in Nordic Politics as a Means to Societal Cohesion: An Empirical Study on Party Platforms and Parliamentary Debates 1988–2012. 2015.
- 12. Religiös och social förändring i det glokala samhället: Samtida religionssociologiska perspektiv. Per Pettersson, Marta Axner, Annette Leis-Peters, Martha Middlemiss Lé Mon, Anders Sjöborg (Red.). 2014.
- 11. Marta Axner. Public Religions in Swedish Media: A Study of Religious Actors on Three Newspaper Debate Pages 2001–2011. 2013.
- 10.Miriam Hollmer och Anders Bäckström. Svenska kyrkan och välfärden: En undersökning av attityder. 2013.
- 9. Anders Sjöborg. Från vatten till vin?: Kristna ungdomars förhållande till alkohol. 2013.
- 8. Consolidating Research on Religion: Moving the Agenda Forward. Colloquium on interdisciplinary research programmes 2–4 May 2011, Uppsala University. Anna Row, Per Pettersson (Eds.) 2012.
- 7. The Assyrian Heritage: Threads of Continuity and Influence. Önver Cetrez, Sargon Donabed, Aryo Makko (Eds.) 2012.
- 6. Welfare and Values in Europe: Transitions related to Religion, Minorities and Gender. Eastern Europe: Latvia, Poland, Croatia, Romania. Volume 3. Anders Bäckström, Coordinator. 2012.
- 5. Welfare and Values in Europe: Transitions related to Religion, Minorities and Gender. Continental Europe: Germany, France, Italy, Greece. Volume 2. Anders Bäckström, Coordinator. 2012.
- 4. Welfare and Values in Europe: Transitions related to Religion, Minorities and Gender. Northern Europe: Sweden, Norway, Finland, England. Volume 1. Anders Bäckström, Coordinator. 2011.
- 3. The Challenge of Religion. Colloquium on interdisciplinary research programmes 3–5 February 2010, Uppsala University. Anders Bäckström, Per Pettersson (Eds.) 2011.
- 2. Martha Middlemiss Lé Mon. The In-between Church. A Study of the Church of England’s Role in Society through the Prism of Welfare. 2009.
- 1. Arne Fritzon. Att tolka det tvetydiga. Tro, liv och funktionshinder. 2007.