Another project to the Centre
Congratulations to May-Britt Öhman who has received funding from The Swedish Research Council Formas. 2 997 000 kr for the three year long project Safe and Sustainable Energy Futures in Sápmi: Assumptions and Actions - Visions and Decisions. .
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Overall aim of this supradisciplinary research project is to analyze socio-technical aspects of climate change mitigation policies, human security, safety and sustainability in regard to Indigenous peoples' and territories and the production of energy. This is done through the integrated lens of and history of science and technology/technoscience studies, at Centre for Gender Research in Uppsala (CfG) and land- and water resource management/water security. The epistemological basis is within Gender research.
The project draws on the experiences of a decade of transgressive encounters between social sciences, humanities and natural sciences intensified within the research program Nature/Culture Boundaries and Transgressive Encounters (GenNa) at CfG. Collaboration involves outstanding Indigenous scholars at universities in Japan, Australia, Canada, US, Norway and Finland. Drawing on a collaborative approach with local and regional stakeholders (mainly Sámi communities and associations) - as well as national authorities, the project aims to search for fundamental disjunctures between generic and particular concerns and the possibility to form an adaptive capacity to manage risk and safety, ensure human security, and a sustainable development in view of future energy production and consumption. Furthermore the objective is to promote Sámi and Indigenous voices and concerns within climate change mitigation policies and solutions to support a sustainable development.