Doctoral Degree Conferment Ceremony

On 25th of January, Klara Goedecke, Maja Bodin and Anders Johansson take part in the Doctoral Degree Conferment Ceremony at Uppsala University. Read more about their PhD projects here. 

Klara Goedecke was the first person to receive a PhD in Gender Studies from the Centre for Gender Research at Uppsala University. She defended her thesis entitled "Other Guys Don't Hang Out Like This": Gendered Friendship Politics Among Swedish, Middle-Class Men on 15th of March 2018. The thesis explores friendships amongst men. Here is also a short interview with Klara (in Swedish) about her research

Maja Bodin defended her thesis, To Plan or Not To Plan: Gender Perspectives on Pregnancy Planning, Fertility Awareness and Preconception Health and Care, on 15th of May 2018. Her project looks at family planning, health and fertility, with a special focus on young men and fathers. 

Anders Johansson defended his thesis, The Formation of Successful Physics Students: Discourse and Identity Perspectives on University Physics, on 5th of October 2018. His thesis explores what it means to become a physicist by asking how norms about being a successful physics student are constructed in the discourses of the education.

Read more about the Doctoral Conferement Ceremony here >>

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