Organisationens Heliga Treenighet

Linda Wedlin beviljas bidrag från Vetenskapsrådet för projektet Organisationens Heliga Treenighet: Förändrad administration i moderna universitet.

(Image removed) Abstract
This project aims to develop knowledge on current changes in administrative practices of public sector organizations, and the implications thereof for the relations between administration, professions and management of the organization – the Holy Trinity of Organization. Our specific purpose is to theorize administration as a central element in organizational development and change, and analyse how changes in administration interrelates with other changes to produce long-term change in core activities of these organizations. We do this by investigating the changes in administrative structures and positions in Swedish universities over time, and analyse the relation to management as well as implications for academic activity. In the first part of the project, we empirically analyse the creation and expansion of administrative units and positions through document analysis of university directories. In the second part, we analyse how new administrative practices and ideals get embodied into the organization and lead to various degrees of coupling between the means and the ends of the organization. We develop ideas from organizational institutional theory to explain the influence of administration practices, and to theorize concepts of decoupling, coupling, and sedimentation of practices and governance. This helps us better understand current pressures on universities and other public organizations to transform into autonomous entities. The project runs over 3 years.

