EAUMP - Eastern Africa Universities Mathematics Programme
The ISP supported mathematics network EAUMP was constituted in 2002. Today the member are Departments of Mathematics at:
- University of Nairobi, Kenya
- University of Rwanda, Rwanda
- University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
- Makerere University, Uganda
- University of Zambia, Zambia
In 2021
- 13 PhD graduations (nine local students and four sandwich students)
- 50 MSc-graduations
- 120 publications in scientific journals
- The network organised around 40 webinars in the African Mathematics Seminar (AfMS) with invited speakers from the region and many other countries worldwide.
The objectives of the network are:
- Enhancement of postgraduate training with special emphasis to PhD training.
- Establishing and strengthening collaborative research in mathematics areas of interest in the region.
- Strengthening the collaborating mathematics departments in terms of equipment and literature.
- Development of resources for the collaborating mathematics departments.
- Postdoctoral training of academic staff.
More information
- Evaluation of EAUMP Pdf, 9 MB. from 2016
- Proceedings from the EAUMP 10th Anniversary Conference Pdf, 3 MB. Arusha, Tanzania 2012

EAUMP 10th Anniversary in 2012
Overall Coordinator:
Professor Steven Wanyonyi Luketero, University of Nairobi, Kenya E-mail: sluketero@uonbi.ac.ke
Inter-network Coordinator:
Professor John Mango, Makerere University, Uganda E-mail: mango.john@mak.ac.ug
Node coordinators:
- Dr James Makungu, Tanzania, e-mail: makungu_j@yahoo.com
- Dr James Katende, Kenya, e-mail: jkatende@uonbi.ac.ke
- Dr Alex Tumwesigye Behakanira, Uganda, e-mail: atumwesi@gmail.com
- Dr John Musonda, Zambia, e-mail: john.musonda@unza.zm
- Dr Celestin Kurujyibwami, Rwanda, e-mail: celeku@yahoo.fr