What happens after ISP support?

A majority of the groups and networks that no longer receives ISP support are still active, according to a report following up on 57 phased out groups between 2003 and 2014.

Continued activities

Many have been able to secure grants from both international and national funding agencies, and have continued to publish papers and graduate postgraduate students after ISP's support ended.

Read the Phase-out report 2003-2014 Pdf, 2 MB.


ISP in Sri Lanka & Thailand

ISP has provided support to research groups in Sri Lanka and Thailand for over 30 years. This support was instrumental in starting up PhD programmes at universities in both countries. A majority of the traced PhD graduates are today employed at Sri Lankan and Thai universities.

Read the book about ISP in Sri Lanka and Thailand

Professor Eric Karunanayake (left) together with Professor Ulf Pettersson (right) at the Biomedical Center,Uppsala University. Photo courtesy: IBMBB.


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