Publications and reports
Publications related to ISP and ISP's work, such as ISP annual report, follow-up studies, evaluations, publications in scientific journals and conferences proceedings.
About ISP
- The International Science Programme 2001-2021: 20 years of continued developmentEditors: Barbara Brena and Ulrica Ouline, 2023
- ISP annual report for 2022 Pdf, 3 MB. and Appendices to the annual report 2022 Pdf, 3 MB.
- Tracing ISP graduates 2014-2017 Pdf, 1012 kB. Rebecca Andersson, 2018
- Tracing ISP graduates 2008-2013 Pdf, 1 MB. Rebecca Andersson and Peter Sundin, 2016
- Phased out groups and networks 2003–2014 - Experiences and continued activities Pdf, 2 MB. Rebecca Andersson and Peter Sundin, 2017
- The International Science Programme in Sri Lanka and Thailand: Three decades of research cooperation Rebecca Andersson and Marta Zdravkovic, 2017
- The Sandwich Model – A successful case of capacity building. Rebecca Andersson, Internationalisation of Higher Education – A Handbook, 2017.
- Report of the ISP and SU cooperation 2016-2019 Pdf, 6 MB., ISP, 2020
- Report of the ISP and SU cooperation 2011-2015 Pdf, 306 kB., ISP, 2016
- International Science Programme, Uppsala University 1961-2001. Historical review and participants experiences. Editor: Torsten Lindqvist, 2001
Evaluations of ISP
- Evaluation of the Sida supported programme “International Science Programme 2014–2018” Pdf, 3 MB. Adam Pain, Trish Silkin & Gonçalo Carneiro, 2018
ISP Management Response Pdf, 240 kB. - Sida and Uppsala University evaluation of ISP Pdf, 5 MB. GHD, 2011
Management Response Pdf, 2 MB. - Assessment of Sida’s support to the basic sciences in a national context Pdf, 733 kB., Eva Selin Lindgren and Shem O Wandiga. 2002
- Expanded support to the International Science Programme (ISP) in Uppsala University Pdf, 744 kB.. David Wield. Sida Evaluation 01/22. 2001
ISP supported groups and networks
- “Building capacity in applied mathematics in the Eastern Africa region”, M Heilö, J Mango et al, ECMI Annual report 2021, page 17-22, 2022
- "Developing Mathematics in East Africa" Pdf, 192 kB.. Balázs Szendrői, London Mathematical Society Newsletter, Issue 477 - July Pdf, 68 MB., 2018
- "Development in astronomy and space science in Africa". Mirjana Povic et al., Nature Astronomy 2, pp. 507-509, 2018
- "Experiences and perceptions of South–South and North–South scientific collaboration of mathematicians, physicists and chemists from five southern African universities". Marta Zdravkovic, Linley Chiwona-Karltun, Eren Zink, Scientometrics, pp. 1-27, DOI 10.1007/s11192-016-1989-z, 2016
- The International Programme in the Chemical Sciences (IPICS): 40 Years of Support to Chemistry in Africa. Peter Sundin. A. Gurib-Fakim and J.N. Eloff (eds.) Chemistry for Sustainable Development in Africa, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2013
- The Role of IPICS in Enhancing Research on the Synthesis and Characterization of Conducting Polymers at Addis Ababa University by Wendimagegn Mammo. Chemistry for Sustainable Development in Africa pp 195-213. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-29642-0_11, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2013
- The Metabolism of Antiparasitic Drugs and Pharmacogenetics in African Populations: From Molecular Mechanisms to Clinical Applications by Collen Masimirembwa. Chemistry for Sustainable Development in Africa pp 17-31. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-29642-0_11, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2013
- The International Science Programme in Bangladesh: A case of self-interest, interconnectedness or social empowerment? Tatjana Kuhn, 2012
- "Support to the Basic Sciences in Developing Countries: Importance of Scientific Networks." Peter Sundin. Asian Biotechnology and Development Review, 2011, 13(3):125-129. 2011
- "Research Activities in Physics and Related Fields in South Africa", Ilze Gertenbach, Nithaya Chetty and Lennart Hasselgren, IPPS, 1998
- "Research Activities in Physics and Related Fields in Eastern and Southern Africa, Updated 1998", L Hasselgren and R Kivaisi, IPPS, 1998
- "IPICS 1970-1997: Results, Lessons Learned, and Prospects for Development of Sustainable Research Environments in Developing Countries", Proceedings of the Meeting held at Termas El Corazón, Ed: Hermann Niemeyer, Chile, Oct. 19-23, 1997
- "1970-1995 Summing up- Looking into the Future", Rune Liminga, IPICS, 1996
- "Proceedings of Workshop on the Physical Sciences in Eastern and Southern Africa; Its Status and Future", Arusha, Tanzania, 4-7 May 1992
Evaluations of ISP supported groups and networks
- Evaluation report for Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Seismological Working Group (ESARSWG) Pdf, 1 MB. Akiiki Babyesiza, Stefan Skupien and Alastair Sloan 2020 ESARSWG Management Response Pdf, 384 kB.
- Evaluation Report of the Materials Science and Solar Energy Network for Eastern and Southern Africa (MSSEESA) Pdf, 1020 kB. Wichard Beenken, Daniel Egbe & Stefan Skupien, 2019
MSSEESA Management Response Pdf, 594 kB. - Evaluation Report of the Eastern Africa Universities Mathematics Programme Pdf, 9 MB. Martin Singull, Balázs Szendrői and Antonella Zanna, 2017
Presentations at conferences
- Report on the Workshop (co-organized by ISP): Smart Villages: New thinking for off-grid communities worldwide held in Arusha (Tanzania) on 2-5 June, 2014
- "The International Science Programme in Bangladesh: Self Interest or Empowerment? Pdf, 564 kB.". Tatjana Kuhn and Peter Sundin from the Proceedings of the 19th IAS Science Conference on Achieving Socioeconomic Development in the Islamic World Through Science, Technology and Innovation Pdf, 1 MB., Dhaka, Bangladesh, 5-9 May 2013
- "The International Science Programme at Uppsala University Pdf, 2 MB.", Peter Sundin, Leif Abrahamsson and Ernst van Groningen (pp. 63-76) from the Proceedings of the SANORD International Symposium "Strengthening the role of universities as hubs of development" Pdf, 7 MB., Aarhus University, Denmark, 6-7 June 2012
- "International Conference on Regional and Interregional Cooperation to Strengthen Basic Sciences in Developing Countries", Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 1-4 September 2009, Ed. Christer Kiselman, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 88, 2011
- "Proceedings of the Workshop Mathematics in Africa South of the Sahara", Arusha, Tanzania, 19-21 November 2001
- "Proceedings of the Conference on Basic Sciences for Development in Eastern and Southern Africa", Ed. Rogath Kivaisi, Alfeo Nikundiwe and Jenerali Ulimwengu, Arusha, Tanzania, 1-3 March 1999
- "Catalogue of Institutional Profiles in Chemistry in Eastern and Southern Africa", M.H.H. Nkunya and C.C. Joseph, IPICS, 1999
- "The Uppsala Declaration 1999 - Declaration and Recommendations for Action" Pdf, 7 MB., Conference on Basic Sciences for Development in Eastern and Southern Africa", Arusha, Tanzania, 1-3 March 1999
- "Basic Sciences and Development; Rethinking donor policy", Ed. Martha J Garrett and Claes G Granqvist, Ashgate, 1998
- "The Uppsala Declaration 1995 - Declaration and Recommendations for Action" Pdf, 3 MB., International Conference on Donor Support to Development-Oriented Research in Basic Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden, 15-16 June 1995
Publications related to ISP´s work
- Sida-ISP study on Perceptions of Open Access within Swedish Bilateral Research Cooperation Pdf, 1 MB.. Ulrica Ouline, Peter Sundin and Anders Wändahl, 2022
- AAU on the Go: 40 Years of Research Cooperation between Addis Ababa University and Sweden - Achievements and Challenges Pdf, 9 MB.. Embassy of Sweden in Addis Ababa, 2021
- In proper organization we trust – Trust in interorganizational aid relations Pdf, 1 MB.. Alexius, S. Vähämäki, J. Rapport 2020:05, Expertgruppen för biståndsanalys/The Expert Group for Aid Studies (EBA) Sweden, 2020
- "Enabling and Engaging Students through Open Learning Workshops". Zoë Griffiths, Ulla Eriksson & Michael Strandell, The International Higher Education Teaching and Learning Association (HETL), 2017