Computer-assisted Applications in Medicine

Computer-​assisted Applications in Medicine (CAiM) Group, led by Orcun Göksel, is part of the newly-established Medtech Innovation and Science Centre as well as of the Centre for Image Analysis. CAiM is within the administrative Division of Visual Information and Interaction at the Department of Information Technology of Uppsala University in Sweden.

Basic and applied research in CAiM involve data analysis and information extraction, on topics lying at the intersection of multiple disciplines: computer science, engineering, and medicine. With the involvement of diverse and cross-​disciplinary skill-​set, the group aims to devise novel imaging and image analysis techniques, and develop them for clinical translation. The group’s efforts push the boundaries of diagnostic and surgical procedures as well as minimally-​invasive interventions.

Research in CAiM is conducted in close collaboration with clinical as well as industrial partners, where the research results have a strong translational component, both clinically and commercially. To that end, CAiM aims to develop innovative diagnostic and interventional applications, focusing on data analysis from imaging to abstracting patient-​specific models and representations, and from there to optimal intervention planning and intra-​operative execution.

Vvisual summary of research interests. The picture visualizes the following information (the pictures are primary decorative and works as examples): Image reconstruction: Inverse problems, numerical optimization, deep learning, real time computation.Registration and tracking: Deformable inage registration, correspondences across images/population, real-time motion compensation.Image-guided therapy: Real-time image-guidance and -navigation for precise surgical procedures.Ultrasound imaging and biomechanics: Novel imaging contrasts, e.g. sound-speed with new sequences and signal+image processing.Anatomical model generation: Digitizing induvidual pationts from images for automatic simulations and planning.Simulation and VR: Biomechanical and image simulation for therapy prognosis and plannning, medical training in VR.

Publications within computer assisted surgery

Chintada, B., Rau, R., Goksel, O. (2021). Phase-Aberration Correction in Shear-Wave Elastography Imaging Using Local Speed-of-Sound Adaptive Beamforming.Frontiers in Physics, 9

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Gomariz, A., Portenier, T., Helbling, P., Isringhausen, S., Suessbier, U. et al. (2021). Modality attention and sampling enables deep learning with heterogeneous marker combinations in fluorescence microscopy.Nature Machine Intelligence, 3(9): 799-811

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 Zhang, L., Portenier, T., Göksel, O. (2021). Learning ultrasound rendering from cross-sectional model slices for simulated training.International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 16(5): 721-730

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Jaume, G., Pati, P., Bozorgtabar, B., Foncubierta, A., Anniciello, A. et al. (2021). Quantifying Explainers of Graph Neural Networks in Computational Pathology.In IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

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 Tomar, D., Zhang, L., Portenier, T., Goksel, O. (2021). Content-Preserving Unpaired Translation from Simulated to Realistic Ultrasound Images.In Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention: MICCAI 2021. 659-669


Anklin, V., Pati, P., Jaume, G., Bozorgtabar, B., Foncubierta-Rodriguez, A. et al. (2021). Learning Whole-Slide Segmentation from Inexact and Incomplete Labels Using Tissue Graphs.In Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention: MICCAI 2021. 636-646

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 Augustin, X., Zhang, L., Goksel, O. (2021). Estimating Mean Speed-of-Sound from Sequence-Dependent Geometric Disparities.In IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium

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 Chintada, B., Rau, R., Göksel, O. (2021). Time Of Arrival Delineation In Echo Traces For Reflection Ultrasound Tomography.In IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 1342-1345

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 Gomariz, A., Egli, R., Portenier, T., Nombela-Arrieta, C., Goksel, O. (2021). Utilizing Uncertainty Estimation in Deep Learning Segmentation of Fluorescence Microscopy Images with Missing Markers.In IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI)

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 Gomariz, A., Tiziano, P., Nombela-Arrieta, C., Göksel, O. Probabilistic Spatial Analysis in Quantitative Microscopy with Uncertainty-Aware Cell Detection using Deep Bayesian Regression of Density Maps.Manuscript (preprint)

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Thandiackal, K., Portenier, T., Giovannini, A., Gabrani, M., Göksel, O. Match What Matters: Generative Implicit Feature Replay for Continual Learning.Manuscript (preprint)

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Franz, A., Göksel, O. (2021). IJCARS-IPCAI 2021 Special Issue: Information Processing for Computer-Assisted Interventions, 12th International Conference 2021-Part 1.International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, SPRINGER HEIDELBERG. 16(5): 707-708

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