National Programme for the Care of Victims of Sexual Assault
In February 2008 NCK presented a handbook to support healthcare professionals in their treatment of victims of sexual assault. This handbook was commissioned by the government and is a part of a national programme within the Swedish healthcare system. Included in the handbook is a guide with practical instructions on how to take samples and secure evidence.
About the programme
The aim of this programme is to improve the treatment and care of patients within the Swedish healthcare system, providing better evidence to the judicial system in cases of sexual assault. Important areas for consideration have been the patient's interaction with medical staff, documentation and contact with the judicial system.
NCK is also commissioned to ensure that the programme is implemented throughout the whole of Sweden. This involves investment in training and a comprehensive distribution of the handbook and guide.
Expert Group
Members of the expert group which produced the handbook and guide were Gun Heimer, senior professor and former head of NCK, Steven Lucas, pediatrician, Lotta Sundström, public prosecutor, Åsa Witkowski, fomer head of NCK's patient services and Mariella Öberg, MD and PhD.
Download the report and the guide to care (pdf, in English)
Please note that the guide to care in English is dated 2008. A revised version is only available in Swedish.