The Development of Kvinnofridslinjen

In 2006 the government commissioned NCK to set up and run a national helpline for women subjected to violence and those close to them. This service was developed during 2007, and the telephone line was opened on the 4th December 2007. The helpline has been named Kvinnofridslinjen. It is run in conjunction with NCK's clinical department at Uppsala University Hospital.

Consultation group

During the setting up of Kvinnofridslinjen it was important to make use of the knowledge and experience from other organisations working in the same or closely related areas. This has been facilitated by consultation groups and working parties.

Survey of society's resources

The staff at Kvinnofridslinjen need to be able to direct women subjected to violence to sources of support in their own location quickly. An important element in the development of the helpline has therefore been to survey what support is available for women subjected to violence in all the local councils and regional authorities in the country. This information is continuously updated thus enabling developments and changes to be followed.

Recruitment and training

The staff is composed of social workers, midwives and nurses experienced in dealing with people in crisis or in difficult personal circumstances. All staff have been through a tailor-made training programme about men's violence against women. This training programme also includes conversational techniques and how to provide advice over the telephone.


All calls to Kvinnofridslinjen are documented, but personal data is not included. This documentation will provide information about the people who call, what situation they are in, what their needs are and whether there are appropriate resources to direct them to. There by the helpline will increase knowledge about the situations women subjected to violence find themselves in and whether there is help available. (information in English)


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