The role of technology in intimate partner violence

The research project examines the role of technology in intimate partner violence and help-seeking.

The aim of the project is to examine the dynamics of technology-based violence, particularly how technology shapes violence and the help-seeking processes of victim-survivors of intimate partner violence (IPV) both during the relationship and in the aftermath of violence.

The project is based on qualitative interviews with women who have been subjected to IPV and with help-providers in support services specializing in IPV. These two perspectives help shed light on the use of technology in IPV, as well as in the help-seeking processes. Furthermore, the project investigates how help-providers identify, assess, and provide support for victims of technology-based violence, and what potential challenges and obstacles they encounter in their work.

The project does not focus solely on the negative aspects of technology, but also on the opportunities that technological tools and platforms can provide for victims of IPV when seeking help. For instance, it is often through digital platforms that many victims seek information about support services such as helplines.

Project start: January 2024

