About the Centre for Neutron Scattering
What we do
The centre promotes co-operation in the development and use of neutron scattering over a broad range of scientific areas.
Neutron scattering is a means to study the structure and dynamic behaviour of materials over length scales that vary from atomic size to those of large objects. It is particularly useful for investigation of materials that are complex mixtures, that contain predominantly light elements which are difficult to see with X-rays, or to investigate magnetism.
These properties make neutron scattering valuable in many disciplines that range from chemistry, physics and materials science to interdisciplinary studies such as those relevant to drug delivery, energy conversion, environmental effects of pollutants and studies of national heritage.
What we can do for you
We work to develop the use of neutron scattering for research at the University and to increase the relevant expertise. Specifically, we can help with:
- Discussions about how neutron scattering can be used in your research.
- Provision of training and teaching for new users.
- Supply information about access and use of neutron scattering facilities.
- Co-ordination of applications for external funding.
Uppsala University’s strategy for engagement with the European Spallation Source, ESS
The European Spallation Source (ESS) and the Swedish synchrotron radiation facility MAX IV are two major research infrastructure projects in Lund, Sweden.
Uppsala University has Sweden’s greatest concentration of expertise in neutron research. To continue to benefit from investments in existing infrastructure, Uppsala University have to play an active role in the development of the facilities to meet research needs, promote technical development and ensure emergence of the next generation of photon and neutron scattering users.
Because of this, Uppsala University established a long term strategy for engagement with ESS and MAX-IV in December 2021. The strategy document lays out the foundation for Uppsala University’s strategic engagement with ESS and MAX IV. The Centre for Neutron Scattering aims to help fulfil this strategy.
The strategy starts out from Uppsala University’s overarching strategy document "Mission, Goals and Strategies" (UFV 2018/641) and covers the period 2021–2030.
See links to the strategy document below: