The relation between surface structure and catalytic activity
- Date: 18 November 2021, 13:15–14:00
- Location: Ångström Laboratory, 4007
- Type: Seminar
- Lecturer: Johan Gustafson, Dept. of Physics, Lund University
- Web page
- Organiser: Olle Björneholm
The Centre for Photon Science invites you to a seminar by Johan Gustafson on the relation between surface structure and catalytic activity.
Technical and industrial relevant chemical processes such as catalysis and electrochemistry occur at solid surfaces in complex environments in terms of material composition, pressure, temperature and medium. As a consequence, the atomic scale structure and the environmental composition close to the active material which governs the chemical processes are notoriously difficult to determine.
To circumvent this problem, we perform fundamental and applied research using recent developments in synchrotron radiation, laser techniques and innovating sample environments relevant for catalysis and electrochemistry.
The information gained from our experiments will provide a new view on chemical reactions at surfaces promoting our current understanding, to enable breakthroughs in the design of superior catalyst and electrode materials based on atomistic knowledge and control.