Center co-Director Alexandra Teleki receiver of the Viking Olof Björk scholarship 2023

SweDeliver congratulates Alexandra Teleki, Center co-Director and Associate Professor at the Department of Pharmacy, on receiving the Viking Olof Björk Scholarship 2023, which is awarded to a "promising young researcher who is expected to become a future research leader in her field".

Teleki award

Alexandra Teleki, researcher in drug delivery, is awarded the Viking Olof Björk scholarship 2023. With the grant of SEK 275,000, Alexandra Teleki is preparing a stay at the Athens Biomedical Sciences Research Center to collaborate with Dr. Vasiliki Koliaraki, a leading expert on immunological and fibrotic responses during inflammation and cancer of the intestine.

“The opportunity to collaborate with Dr. Koliaraki, that has extensive experience from preclinical models for scientific studies in our field, will most likely help us further in our work with the nanoparticles we have developed for, among other things, the diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease in children.

At the ceremony, it was pronounced that the scholarship is awarded to a promising young researcher who is expected to become a future research leader in her field, to support a visit abroad to establish new collaborations with a focus on interdisciplinary projects at the intersection between medical technology and its close to clinical applications.

“I am since three years leading the ERC-funded project MAGNETO, where I am – together with Christel Bergström, Per Artursson and Mia Phillipson at Uppsala University, Niklas Nyström and Mattias Paulsson, the Uppsala Children's Hospital and Carlos Rinaldi, University of Florida – developing a technology to simplify and streamline the diagnosis and treatment children with inflammatory bowel disease must undergo, and with the scholarship we can take an important step forward, says Alexandra Teleki.


Viking Olov Björk was a Swedish physician and pioneer in thoracic surgery, a discipline in which Björk was a professor at Uppsala University and later Karolinska Institutet. In collaboration with Clarence Crafoord and Åke Senning a o Björk developed the heart-lung machine, which in 1954 was used for the first time in Europe during surgery on a human.



Alexandra Teleki, Associate Professor
Department of Pharmacy

text: Magnus Alsne, photo: Mikael Wallerstedt, Teleki Lab

