SweDeliver visiting industrial partner APL

On Wednesday, May 22, SweDeliver's Center management and several PhD students made an appreciated excursion to Apotek Produktion & Laboratorier, teaming up with company representatives to take part in ongoing laboratory work and to highlight opportunities for extended collaboration.

Visit at APL

With the aim to "Strengthen the interactions between SweDeliver and Apotek Produktion & Laboratorier (APL), by identifying opportunities for research collaborations, for example how master's students in a collaboration can contribute to driving a question forward" a delegation from the Faculty of Pharmacy in late May, visited SweDeliver industrial partner APL, one of Europe's leading manufacturers of extempore pharmaceutical drugs.

“It was a highly appreciated field day where we listened to presentations of APL operations and had the opportunity to visit their laboratory and experience how extempore work works in practice,” says Caroline Fronczak Alvebratt, Project Coordinator at Uppsala University's Department of Pharmacy.

Presentation av verksamhet vid APL

In October, a corresponding activity is planned at Uppsala University, but before that, SweDeliver will travel west to Mölndal and AstraZencea to take part in AZ Gothenburg Pharmacy Research Day on Wednesday 19 June.

“We are currently preparing SweDeliver’s autumn calendar, which we continuously update on SweDeliver's website, but would like to take this opportunity to announce this year's SweDeliver Summit Happy at Tammsvik in Bro on 1-3 October,” states Alexandra Teleki, Center co-Director at SweDeliver and Associate Professor at Uppsala University.

Facts SweDeliver

  • SweDeliver is a national competence center in drug delivery.
  • With Uppsala University's Faculty of Pharmacy as Academic hub and 18 industrial partners, SweDeliver conducts research on parenteral, oral and pulmonary administration.

Contact SweDeliver

Center co-Director
Associate Professor Alexandra Teleki
Department of Pharmacy, Uppsala University

Project Coordinator
Caroline Fronczak Alvebratt
Department of Pharmacy, Uppsala University

Text: Magnus Alsne, photo: Mikael Wallerstedt

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