The Center Board is responsible for ensuring that operations are conducted in accordance with the center's instructions and purpose. The members of the Center Board must reflect both scientific breadth and represent the surrounding society. The board therefore consists of representatives from each field of science at Uppsala University, the Department of Women's and Children's Health, where the center is organizationally located, and from external organizations / collaborative organizations. In addition, a student representative is included.
Christel Bergström
Professor, Department of Pharmacy, Drug Delivery, Uppsala University
Jenny Helin
Associate Professor, Department of Business Studies, Uppsala University
Erik Olsson
Associate Professor, Department of Womens and Children's Health, Uppsala University
Laila Mendy
PhD student, Department of Geosicences, Uppsala University
Sara Gabrielsson
Senior lecturer, LUCSUS, Lund University
Lina Mtwana Nordlund
Associate senior lecturer/Assistant Professor, Department of Earth Sciences, Natural Resources and Sustainable Development, Uppsala University