
How can we improve mental health among young people in Uppsala? No one is more of an expert to answer that question than youth themselves.

We are, therefore, looking for individuals:

  • aged 15-25
  • interested in discussing youth mental health in a 'designathon'.

In a designathon, you will work together with a group of people from different parts of society (academia, non-governmental organizations, private sector etc.) to come up with creative and innovative ideas on how to improve youth mental health. Take the opportunity to explore participatory methods to shape impactful ideas.

Read more about what a designathon is and your role below.

You will be compensated with a 300 kr gift card for your participation.

Poster designathon


The purpose of this workshop is to develop ideas on how to improve the mental health of young people in Uppsala.

What is a Designathon?

A designathon is a three-step participatory process that includes preparation with end-users (in this case the youth), intensive collaboration, and some follow-up activities. The purpose of this designathon is to develop ideas on how to improve mental health for youth in Uppsala. Youth are well-positioned to develop mental health solutions, brainstorm on creative responses, and collaborate with others

What would my role be?

Just by being a young person, you know best on how it is to be young today, what affects youths mental health, what young people do to feel better or what they do if they are not well. As a youth applying to the Designathon you will serve as the expert on this important topic.

But don´t stress, the designathon is a collaborative effort where a diverse group will dive into the topic together to come up with solutions and ideas. We will also make sure that there are two young experts in each group. You will not be asked to share your personal mental health experience.

If you have any questions or concerns don´t hesitate to contact us. You can find contact details in the end of this page.


You will receive a 300 kr GoGift card for your participation. You will also get a certificate of participation showing your contribution to the desinathon.

Your participation in this designathon will give you an opportunity to learn about how to collaboratively develop new innovative ideas. It is also a great opportunity to network with professionals and researchers from all over the world with an interest in social innovation for health.

Critieras for the ideas in the Designathon

  • Innovative – Is your idea something new?
  • Feasibility – is it realistic?
  • Relevance to local context – would your idea work in the context of Uppsala?
  • Potential impact – what kind of impact would the idea have? How would it be effective in improving youth mental health?
  • Equity - Does it address imbalances in society? Does your idea recognise that people have different circumstances and take these into account?

Practical information


November 6, 14:00-16:30 with fika inbetween.


Mötesplats Studenternas in Uppsala.

How to apply?

Fill out this form and write a short motivation on why you would like to participate. Last day to register is October 4.

poster sihi sweden conference

The Designathon will take place at the SIHI Sweden Conference "Exploring Entrepreneurship for Social Innovation in Health", 6-7 November, in Uppsala. Read more about the conference here. The conference will have participants from all over the world and the designathon will therefore be held in English. Are you interested in participating at the whole conference? Let us know and we will sign you up. Find contacts below.

