Meet Mudassir Mustafa, Researcher
Mudassir is a researcher in eHealth, specialising in the design of digital infrastructures and digital practices. Since the spring of 2022, Mudassir has been leading the system development team working with the U-CARE Platform.

Photo: Mikael Wallerstedt
Mudassir comes from a multidisciplinary background with experience in, among other things, software engineering and computer science. His main area of interest is how we can design sustainable eHealth systems in academic research contexts.
Together with his system development team, Mudassir is developing a new version of the U-CARE Platform (the Platform). The Platform is an internet-based platform used to deliver and evaluate interventions and carry out different research procedures. This requires various features.
On the Platform, you can design a study, run the study, and collect data. Then you can analyse the data and use the study in real life, Mudassir explains. The interventions on the Platform can be anything between a questionnaire and a complex clinical trial.
Mudassir likes that his work has a real impact on people’s lives.
– People can only see what is on the screen, but behind the screen, there is a lot of code and a huge infrastructure, says Mudassir. I like being able to produce something and see it grow and be used by many people and, in the end, have a real impact and a purpose.
In his spare time, Mudassir enjoys cooking and especially barbequing.
– Barbeque is not only about the food, says Mudassir. The people and the surroundings are important as well. My family and I love to sit outside and have barbeque. Even in the winter.