Education and training projects
Are you a teacher at Uppsala University and need a cluster or a cloud for general education?
Are you going to give a course that will benefit NAISS users or PhD students?
For Uppsala University education:
Go to "UPPMAX for Utbildning" in UIT's catalog. Read the information there.
If you do not already have one, you need to create an account for yourself in the SUPR project portal.
At least 2 weeks before course start, send an email to IT Support with the following information:
- Choice of alternative (Snowy or Dis)
- For the Dis alternative: desired number of cores and memory per VM, and total number of floating IP's
- Approval of Department head or equivalent
- Project number for debiting
- Course code
- Number of students
IT Support will then forward the order to UIT for debiting and to UPPMAX for project creation.
UPPMAX will create a project in SUPR. You will receive an email when this is complete.
Each student must have or create an account in SUPR, and be added to the project members. Students can do this by requesting access, or the teacher can add students. See steps 1-3 on the account application page.
For projects on Snowy: Each student needs their own personal UPPMAX user account. Once a student is a member in a course project, they can apply for a user account (step 4 on the account application page). If a student already has a user account from an earlier project, they can use it again and do not need to apply for one again.
For projects on Dis: See the SSC tutorial and OpenStack documentation on the SNIC Science Cloud page for information on how to set up and enable log-ins in your cloud project.
Important Note: You must apply for a course project at least 2 weeks before the course/workshop starts. The teacher is responsible for checking that all participants are connected to the course project in SUPR and have an account at UPPMAX at least 2 days before the start.
Important information for planning a course:
See the course project FAQ with some general recommendations for giving a course using UPPMAX resources. Key points are:
- Node reservations: we can reserve cores/nodes for approved projects. This reserves some resources that are only accessible for project members, e.g. to avoid queue times during lab activities. Send a request to IT Servicedesk at least 1 week before the course starts with your request and a motivation of your requirements.
- Maintenance Wednesdays: The first Wednesday of every month is reserved for possible maintenance stops. Avoid scheduling labs and due dates on and around these days.
For NAISS user training and PhD courses:
When you apply for a project you have to:
- Describe the course content and target audience
- Describe the organization and participating organizations
- Motivate the need for UPPMAX resources
- Motivate the size of the requested resources
- Enclose a PDF file or a link to a web site describing the course content (for a workshop you can enclose a link to the workshop web page or write a description in the application).
- Apply for a Compute project as usual.
UPPMAX reference: in the course curriculum/course material and on the course site it has to be clear that NAISS and UPPMAX are providing the compute resources.
Accept User Agreement: all participants have to have an account in SUPR AND they have to accept the User Agreement in SUPR. This is either done with a Swedish SWAMID identity OR by sending in a paper copy of the passport to SUPR. This can take some time especially if the person live in another country so please ensure that your course participants do this in time. Make sure they can log in BEFORE the course starts.
Node reservations: we can reserve cores/nodes for approved projects. Send a request to the support at least 1 week before the course starts with your request and a motivation of your requirements:
- Use our support form!
- Secondarily, email
- For web matters, contact