Hearing and miniworkshop on AI/Machine Learning
The Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation (KAW) has launched an investigation into the needs and potential solutions for a Swedish infrastructure in support of AI, in particular Machine Learning, based research in Sweden. Preliminary findings will be presented in a hearing in Stockholm on June 1st to which you are cordially invited. The hearing will include presentations from the panels as well a mini-workshop for feedback and open discussion around the presented topics.
To Swedish researchers with interest in computational infrastructure for AI:
One of the most rapid and dramatic changes in the research landscape of today is the uptake of AI and Machine Learning (ML) across the full range of academic disciplines. In many cases, large scale computing resources are needed for data handling and processing. The Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation (KAW) has, through the Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP), and together with the Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing (SNIC) launched an investigation into the needs and potential solutions for a Swedish infrastructure in support of AI, in particular Machine Learning, based research in Sweden. The investigation will provide a summary of the current and future needs in Sweden and recommend solutions for hardware, software, and support functions for a potential build up to take place during 2019.
The investigation is conducted by a committee consisting of
- Anders Ynnerman, LiU, Chairman
- Johan Eker, LU
- Erik Elmroth, UmU
- Michael Felsberg, LiU
- Matts Karlsson, LiU
- Erwin Laure, KTH
To its help the committee has established 5 panels, comprising national and international experts:
A. Swedish leading-edge research in need of AI/ML infrastructure resources
B. International outlook
C. Hardware and software solutions for AI/ML
D. Industrial needs and collaborations
E. User support and education for AI/ML
As part of the investigation the panels will present their preliminary findings in a hearing in Stockholm on June 1st to which you are cordially invited. The hearing will include presentations from the panels as well a mini-workshop for feedback and open discussion around the presented topics. We hope that you are able to attend the hearing and also will help us in distributing this information to other researchers who may be interested in attending and contributing to this timely and important initiative.
Date: June 1st
Time: 09:15-13:00
Place: KTH, K1 (https://www.kth.se/places/room/id/19814134-e285-49bc-9683-2f5c2edadbcf)
Registration is available at:
Last day for registration is Monday May 28th.