The Hugo Valentin Lecture 2004: Wolfgang Benz
This year's lecture in memory of Hugo Valentin is given by Professor Wolfgang Benz. In his research, Benz has dealt with a number of aspects of contemporary German history: the German resistance to Hitler's regime; the political history of occupied Germany and the early Federal Republic; the expulsion of the Volksdeutsche in the wake of World War II. He studied the victims of National Socialism in the book Dimension des Völkermords (1991). From Benz's extensive output, Fiendbild und Vorurteil: Beiträge über Ausgrenzung und Verfolgung (1995) can also be mentioned. He was one of the initiators of the journal Dachauer Hefte. Since 1990, Benz heads the Zendrum für Antisemitismusforschung at the Technische Universität, Berlin.
In his lecture, Antisemitism in Europé: Traditions, Structures, Manifestations, Professor Benz will deal with a topic that Hugo Valentin himself devoted a large part of his time to and which is once again very topical – anti-Semitism in Europe.