Book release: Liberal Nationalism and Its Critics: Normative and Empirical Questions
- Date: 4 February 2020, 17:15–18:30
- Location: Brusewitzsalen, Östra Ågatan 19, plan 3
- Type: Lecture
- Lecturer: Gina Gustavsson, Associate Professor, Department of Government, Uppsala University David Miller, Professor of Political Theory, Nuffield College, University of Oxford Keith Banting, Professor, Department of Political Studies, Queen’s University Karen Breidahl, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Aalborg University Frank Gonzalez, Assistant Professor, School of Goverment and Public Policy, University of Arizona Elizabeth Theiss-Morse, Professor of Political Science, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Matthew Wright, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, University of British Columbia
- Organiser: Department of Government and Uppsala Forum, in cooperation with the Association of Foreign Affairs
- Contact person: William Fröberg
Can nationalism be domesticated for liberal and democratic purposes? As nationalist parties continue to make political gains, challenging democracy as we know it from the USA to India, and from the UK to Turkey, this question is becoming increasingly urgent. A number of recent books suggest liberals across the globe should look to inclusive forms of nationalism and patriotism as the antidote to contemporary populism (Mounk 2018; Nussbaum 2019; Tamir 2019).
But what would it take for nationalism to be liberal? Is the wedding of these two notions even a coherent idea? And how strong is national identity in today’s globalized world? Does it really have the beneficial consequences for democracy and the welfare state that liberal nationalists claim? How easy is it for immigrants to embrace?
In the aftermath of Trump’s rise to presidency, Brexit, and the popularity of anti-immigrant parties such as the Sweden Democrats, Gina Gustavsson (Uppsala University) and David Miller (University of Oxford) decided to bring together leading experts from the fields of philosophy, political theory, political science, and psychology to explore the nature and effects of national identity today.
At this book release, the editors will give an introduction to the book that resulted from this project. Several of the contributors will also give insights into the psychology of national identity from their respective chapters, with Canadian, Danish, and American data.
After the presentation of the book and questions from the audience there will be a wine reception and dinner buffet in the lunch room of the Department of Government., free of charge To sign up for this, please contact william.frö by Friday January 31st.