Book Event: The Spirit of Democracy: Corruption, Disintegration, Renewal
- Date: 16 May 2022, 16:15–18:00
- Location: IRES Library, Gamla torget 3, 3rd floor
- Type: Seminar
- Lecturer: Sofia Näsström, Professor at the Department of Government, Uppsala University
- Organiser: Uppsala Forum and the Department of Government
- Contact person: Mattias Vesterlund
How does one revitalize democracy in times of crisis? Democracy is today challenged by populism and elitism, as well as by the resurgence of new forms of authoritarianism. The Spirit of Democracy: Corruption, Disintegration, Renewal shows that while we have good reasons to worry about the corruption of democratic practices and ideals, these worries are often attributable to questionable assumptions about what democracy is.
Drawing on Montesquieu's classical work on the spirit of laws, the book sets out to reconceive the ways in which we understand and conceptualise modern democracy: from sovereignty to spirit. According to Montesquieu, different political forms are animated and sustained by different spirits: a republic by virtue, a monarchy by honour, and a despotic form by fear. This book argues that modern democracy is a sui generis political form animated and sustained by a spirit of emancipation. The removal of divine, natural, and historical authorities in political affairs unleashes a fundamental uncertainty about the purpose and direction of society. In a democracy, we respond to that uncertainty by sharing and dividing it equally. It emancipates us from a state of self-incurred tutelage.
Based on this argument, the book develops a new theoretical framework for studying the corruption, disintegration, and renewal of democracy: what it is, how it begins, and where in society it plays out.
Sofia Näsström works in the field of political theory, with particular focus on issues connected to democracy, constituent power, the people, representation, freedom and precarity. She has written on the state, legitimacy, the people and representation and finds inspiration in the work of Levinas, Arendt and Montesquieu. Her current focus is on the difference between political lifeforms (in Montesquieu's sense of the term).