Postgraduate Course: Parliamentarism—Theories and Practices

"Parliamentarism—Theories and Practices" will combine some of the theories regarding Parliaments and Parliamentarism with some of the current practices of representative democracy. The course will be given by Nicola Lupo, Professor of Public Law at the Department of Political Science, LUISS Guido Carli University of Rome. 

(Image removed) When & Where: 28 August-1 September 2017, Uppsala University
With: Nicola Lupo, Professor of Public Law at the Department of Political Science, LUISS Guido Carli University of Rome
Organizer: The Department of Philosophy and the Department of Law, Uppsala University

The course will combine some of the theories regarding Parliaments and Parliamentarism (first part) with some of the current practices of representative democracy (second part). Especially in the second part, the focus will be on the Parliaments of the European Union and its Member States. The two parts are strictly intertwined: the class (in the morning) is devoted to the analysis of the readings, while the seminar (in the same afternoon) is dedicated to some legal texts, often in a comparative perspective.

The methodologies of the course are multiple: readings of Legal Theory, Constitutional Law, Political Science and Political Philosophy are proposed to the students and the seminars follow mainly a Comparative Constitutional Law methodology (also with attention to parliamentary practice, whenever possible).

Nicola Lupo is Visiting Professor at Uppsala in August-September 2017, in a bilateral exchange with LUISS University of Rome.

The course is reserved for PhD candidates and master students.

To register, please contact Rysiek Sliwinski: tel. 018/4717351 email:

Syllabus (Link removed)

Poster (Link removed)


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