PhD Student Forum

Studenter som pratar med varandra

An interdisciplinary meeting place for doctoral students

Uppsala Forum hosts and funds a doctoral student cooperation, the PhD Student Forum. The aim of the PhD Student Forum is to initiate joint activities for doctoral students within the Uppsala Forum faculties.

What the PhD Student Forum Does

Inom ramen för Uppsala Forum finns ett doktorandsamarbete, Doktorandforum. Doktorandforums syfte är att fånga upp och driva gemensamma initiativ av och för doktorander inom de fakulteter som ingår i Uppsala Forum-samarbetet.

The activities of the PhD Student Forum are planned by the doctoral representatives in accord with the Uppsala Forum research director.

The PhD Student Forum aims to organize events that have a multi-disciplinary approach, in order to strengthen collaboration between young researchers in the Uppsala Forum environment. The ultimate goal is to foster cooperation on projects of an interdisciplinary nature.

All doctoral students at Uppsala Forum units are most welcome to participate in the activities of the PhD Student Forum.

Doctoral Student Conferences & Workshops

The PhD Student Forum hosts conferences on issues of interest to PhD students and the larger academic community at Uppsala University:

2024 – "Ius and Scandinavia: the Practice of oath taking from antiquity to Nordic laws"
2022 – "Rights for non-humans: AI, Robots, Cyborgs, Animals and Nature"
2020 – "Climate Change as a Challenge for Democracy, Peace and Justice"
2019 – "PhD Workshop on International Migration and Human Rights"
2015 – "Post-PhD—Today’s Choices, Tomorrow’s Possibilities"
2013 – "Samarbete och tvärvetenskaplighet"
2012 – "Presentation och publikation"
2010 – "Forskning och självreflektion"


