Seminar and Workshop Funding
Applications are to be submitted through Uppsala Forum's application form. Click here to register your application.
Uppsala Forum provides an opportunity for scholars within the Uppsala Forum departments to apply for funding for workshops, seminars and similar events.
The deadline for applications follow the same deadlines as for the Visiting Fellowship Programme, i.e. March 31 and October 31. For applications amounting to less than 10 000 SEK (including 30 % OH), please contact the Research Director.
The Uppsala Forum seminar and workshop funding is open for applications from researchers that are employed within the Uppsala Forum departments.
Please note: In 2024, applications on topics addressing issues of the rule of law and/or international law (both to be interpreted broadly) will be prioritised for funding. For more information please contact Rebecca Thorburn Stern.
Applications are made through Uppsala Forums Application Form. Please note that Uppsala Forum provides funding for travel, accommodation and food costs only. As a general principle, priority will be given to applications deemed to be of wider interest to the extended Uppsala Forum environment. We encourage applicants to have multidisciplinarity in mind when making applications.
Applications are made on behalf of an Uppsala Forum unit by one or several researchers. Applications must include short resumes of all applicants, a description of the activity and time frame, as well as the purpose of the activity and the expected scientific output.
- Granted amounts always include 30 % OH
- Uppsala Forum covers costs only for travel, accommodation and food
If you have questions about the application process, please contact
- For questions, please contact Uppsala Forum Research Director Jörgen Ödalen:, Uppsala Forum on Democracy Peace and Justice, Institute for Russian and Eurasian Studies (IRES), Box 514, 751 20 Uppsala