Initiative for newcomers and integration
Uppsala University has knowledge in a number of important areas relevant to the current situation with many newcomers in Sweden. We have different opportunities for continuing professional development. There are also opportunities aimed directly at newcomers. In several projects we collaborate closely with other actors in society.
Study programmes and continuing professional development for newcomers
Uppsala University organises a number of educational activities relating to newcomers and integration. These activities are aimed both at newcomers and at Swedish employees who meet newcomers as part of their job.
New in Sweden and want to study at Uppsala University?
For school teachers
The Centre for Professional Development and Internationalisation in Schools works with issues relating to schools, inclusion and sustainable development focusing on newly arrived pupils and their learning. They offer courses, seminars and continuing professional development.
Research on newcomers and integration
At Uppsala University, research is being conducted in many fields that relate to newcomers and integration.
Collaboration and networks
Uppsala University has recently founded the Centre for Multidisciplinary Studies on Racism
Lund/Uppsala Migration Law Network (L/UMIN) is a collaboration between Uppsala’s and Lund’s faculties of law on Swedish immigration law. The research looks at international and national aspects of immigration law.
Education for Equity is an Erasmus+ collaboration between Uppsala University’s Centre for Professional Development and Internationalisation in Schools and the Allt Valley Comunity Trust, Liverpool, and Bildungswerk Kreuzberg, Berlin. The project studies how school achievements are supported and early drop outs are reduced.
Research publications
Search for migration, newcomers, integration, racism in Uppsala University’s publication database.
Database Erasmus +project – Find projects funded under the Erasmus+ programme
Related materials
UNESCO's report about migration
Researcher? Get in touch!
If you are a researcher and want to contribute information about your research in this area, please contact: Sara Hurtig
Whether you are a newcomer yourself or looking for opportunities at Uppsala University for someone else, feel free to get in touch with us to learn more.
The University’s coordinator for activities for newcomers:
Sara Hurtig
Studies at Uppsala University
Studentservice in Uppsala: Segerstedthuset, Dag Hammarsköldsväg 7
Studentservice in Visby: Cramérgatan 3
Telefon: +46 18 471 47 10
See also: New in Sweden and want to study
Internships at Uppsala University
Contact Linnea Detterberg, Human Resources Division.