New student representatives

During the BUP student conference the participating student made their voices heard and voted for two new student representatives for the the BUP international board. The students that were elected are Tereza Homolova from University of Ostrava and Seymur Ingilabli from University of Lodz. They have both shared with us their thoughts and aims with their new roles.

The Baltic University Programme has two student representatives on the international board. The representatives are elected by democratic vote in the Student Parliament, which is held during the student conference. This years conference was held in Visby 22-25 May.

Tereza Homolova was elected to be a student representative on the BUP international board for two years. Here is a presentation as well as Terezas thoughts about the role as a student representative:

"My name is Tereza, I come from the Czech Republic and in the autumn I will be starting my second year of the master's degree in English philology. I love reading and writing about all things concerning nature and animals, which is why I work as a part-time journalist focusing also on topical environmental topics in my region. Apart from helping all students in need and hopefully introducing some new ideas, I aim to show everyone that participating in BUP events is an amazing chance to gain new knowledge, make friends and have fun. I want to make sure that people enjoy their time at every event so much that they are excited to come back one day, just as I did! I am looking forward to meeting new people, learning about new things and travelling to new places! It is great to have this opportunity to learn from those who know much more than me and to tackle new challenges which come with the position, causing me to leave my comfort zone. That is always a fun thing to do."

Seymur Ingilabli was elected to be a student representative on the BUP international board for one year. Here is a presentation as well as Seymurs thoughts about the role as a student representative:

"My name is Seymur Ingilabli. I am 23 years old. I am originally from Azerbaijan, and I am continuing my master's degree at the University of Lodz in Poland. My specialty is international marketing. In my spare time, I love to play volleyball, and I want to be a professional player. I wish to promote this programme more and more among international students and universities. I also want this programme to draw the same attention to all the Baltic countries. In addition, the next step is to do more effective work at the student conference and get better results. My main goal as a student representative is to get acquainted with different participants, professors and researchers from different countries and learn new information. In addition, it is to promote BUP in my university and other universities and countries, and to increase its sphere of influence. Finally, I want to be able to share my ideas with the BUP and implement them."

Both student representatives will attend their first board meeting in the beginning of June. In the autumn they will attend BUP events as well as work with the BUP Student Ambassadors.

