3.9.1 Legal Affairs
Part of University Administration; Legal Affairs Division
- Visiting address:
- Dag Hammarskjölds väg 7
752 37 Uppsala - Postal address:
- Box 256
751 05 UPPSALA
- Head of office:
- Abrahamsson, Per
- Chief legal officer
- +46 18 471 17 10 +46 70 243 71 66
- per.abrahamsson@uu.se
- Asker, Johan
- Deputy Head of Unit
- +46 18 471 74 19 +46 70 167 92 23
- johan.asker@uu.se
- Byström, Olof
- Document administrator
- +46 18 471 17 91 +46 72 999 90 80
- olof.bystrom@uu.se
- Ekström, Hild
- Legal Officer (leave of absence)
- +46 70 167 99 98
- hild.ekstrom@uu.se
- Hammarlöf, Gustaf
- Legal Officer
- +46 72 999 96 55
- gustaf.hammarlof@uu.se
- Lööw Lundin, Camilla
- Deputy chief legal officer
- +46 18 471 74 05 +46 70 167 93 11
- camilla.loow_lundin@uu.se
- Ringholm, Frida
- Legal Officer (leave of absence)
- +46 18 471 47 39 +46 70 425 08 29
- frida.ringholm@uu.se
- Trygg, Katarina
- Legal Officer
- +46 73 469 72 99
- katarina.trygg@uu.se