15.9.4 Developmental Psychology
Part of Department of Psychology
- Visiting address:
- Von Kraemers allé 1A och 1C
752 37 Uppsala - Postal address:
- Box 1225
751 42 UPPSALA - Web page:
- https://www.uu.se/institution/psykologi
- Arleij, Emily
- Research Assistant
- Astor, Kim
- Postdoctoral position
- kim.astor@psyk.uu.se
- Bohlin, Gunilla
- Professor emeritus
- +46 70 750 77 91
- gunilla.bohlin@psyk.uu.se
- Ellström, Sandra
- Project assistant
- +46 18 471 21 48
- sandra.ellstrom@psyk.uu.se
- Eriksson, Malin
- PhD student
- Haddad, Rima
- Project assistant
- rima.haddad@psyk.uu.se
- Hardiansyah, Irzam
- Postdoctoral position
- irzam.hardiansyah@psyk.uu.se
- Hellmer, Kahl
- Education coordinator
- +46 18 471 21 04 +46 73 469 79 57
- kahl.hellmer@psyk.uu.se
- Koch, Benjamin
- PhD student
- benjamin.koch@psyk.uu.se
- Liljebäck, Angelinn
- Research Assistant
- angelinn.liljeback@psyk.uu.se
- Lozano Sanchez, Itziar
- Visiting researcher
- Moberg, Tom
- Research Assistant
- tom.moberg@psyk.uu.se
- Nordmark, Simon
- Teaching assistant
- Nyström, Hanna
- Research Assistant
- +46 18 471 21 08
- hanna.nystrom@psyk.uu.se
- Nyström, Pär
- Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor
- +46 18 471 21 39 +46 73 064 64 87
- par.nystrom@psyk.uu.se
- Pålshammar, Åke
- Senior lecturer/Associate professor
- +46 70 246 72 68
- ake.palshammar@psyk.uu.se
- Riis, Amanda
- Project assistant
- amanda.riis@psyk.uu.se
- Rosander, Kerstin
- Senior Researcher
- kerstin.rosander@psyk.uu.se
- Rydell, Ann-Margret
- Professor emeritus
- +46 18 471 21 20
- annmargret.rydell@psyk.uu.se
- Rönnlund, Josefine
- Research Assistant
- +46 18 471 21 48
- josefine.ronnlund@psyk.uu.se
- Schröder, Elin
- Postdoctoral position
- +46 18 471 63 37
- elin.schroder@psyk.uu.se
- Sen, Umay
- Postdoctoral position
- +46 18 471 21 42 +46 72 999 97 46
- umay.sen@psyk.uu.se
- Shragge, Ingrid
- Research Assistant
- ingrid.shragge@psyk.uu.se
- Thorup, Emilia
- Researcher
- emilia.thorup@psyk.uu.se
- Vaz Portugal Da Silva, Ana Maria
- Postdoctoral position
- ana-maria.portugal@psyk.uu.se
- Viktorsson, Charlotte
- Postdoctoral position
- charlotte.viktorsson@psyk.uu.se
- Wåhlstedt, Cecilia
- Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor
- +46 18 471 21 46 +46 70 347 17 25
- cecilia.wahlstedt@psyk.uu.se
- von Hofsten, Claes
- Professor emeritus
- +46 72 049 61 27
- claes.von_hofsten@psyk.uu.se