2.5 Advisory Board for Equal Opportunities
Part of University Committees
The Advisory Board for Equal Opportunities advises the Vice-Chancellor on University-wide issues concerning Equal Opportunities. The Board prepares matters assigned to it by the Vice-Chancellor. The Board consists of 16 members and the Equal Opportunities Adviser is chair of the Board. The members are appointed by the Vice-Chancellor, on proposals from the disciplinary domains (two members per domain), the University Director (one member) and the Chief Librarian (one member). Two members are appointed by the students by the provisions of the Student Union Ordinance (2009:769). One member is appointed by each of the staff associations with which the University has master agreements.
Adviser to the Vice-Chancellor Åsa Cajander, chair
Professor Torbjörn Gustafsson Chorell, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences
Professor Esbjörn Larsson, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences
Professor Mathias Hallberg, Disciplinary Domain of Medicine and Pharmacy
Professor Anna-Karin Olsson, Disciplinary Domain of Medicine and Pharmacy Professor Senior Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor Cecilia Boström, Disciplinary Domain of Science and Technology
Professor Staffan Svärd, Disciplinary Domain of Science and Technology
Head of Division Nina Svensson, Uppsala University Library
Chief Legal Officer Per Abrahamsson, University Administration
Two members are appointed by the students.
Three members are appointed by the staff associations.