21.4.9 Pediatric oncological and neurological research
Part of Department of Women's and Children's Health
- Visiting address:
- MTC-huset, Dag Hammarskjölds väg 14B, 1 tr
752 37 Uppsala - Postal address:
- Akademiska sjukhuset
751 85 UPPSALA - Web page:
- http://kbh.uu.se/Forskning/barnneurologi-barnonkologi/
- Anderson, Jenna
- Project Coordinator
- jenna.anderson@uu.se
- Carlbaum, Emelie
- Affiliated Research nurse
- Christoforaki, Tania
- PhD student
- tania.christoforaki@uu.se
- Ek, Weronica
- Affiliated Project assistant
- weronica.ek@uu.se
- Enblad, Anna Pia
- PhD student
- anna_pia.enblad@uu.se
- Englund, Annika
- Affiliated Researcher
- +46 70 935 85 95
- annika.englund@uu.se
- Fermér, Johannes
- PhD student
- johannes.fermer@uu.se
- Fjällström, Anne
- Research nurse
- anne.fjallstrom@uu.se
- Frost, Britt-Marie
- Affiliated Researcher
- +46 18 611 58 02 +46 18 611 58 83 +46 70 516 98 93
- britt-marie.frost@uu.se
- Giertz, Mia
- PhD student
- +46 18 61 17 03 52
- mia.giertz@uu.se
- Gkiotsaliti, Sotiria
- PhD student
- sotiria.gkiotsaliti@uu.se
- Gulliksson, Gullik
- Clinical assistant
- +46 70 360 29 42
- gullik.gulliksson@uu.se
- Harila, Arja
- Professor
- arja.harila@uu.se
- Kristiansen, Ingela
- Affiliated Researcher
- ingela.kristiansen@uu.se
- Lahne, Klara
- PhD student
- klara.lahne@uu.se
- Liminga, Gunnar
- Affiliated Researcher
- gunnar.liminga@uu.se
- Lundberg, Staffan
- Affiliated Researcher
- staffan.lundberg@uu.se
- Lönnerblad, Malin
- Researcher
- malin.lonnerblad@uu.se
- Marzouk, Hanaa
- Teaching assistant
- hanaa.marzouk@uu.se
- Nergårdh, Ricard
- Affiliated Researcher
- ricard.nergardh@uu.se
- Nielsen Persson, Anna
- PhD student
- anna.nielsen.persson@uu.se
- Palle, Josefine
- Affiliated Researcher
- josefine.palle@uu.se
- Ranta, Anni
- PhD student
- anni.ranta@uu.se
- Rosengren Forsblad, Kristina
- Affiliated Research Assistant
- kristina.forsblad@uu.se
- Setänen, Sirkku
- Affiliated Researcher
- sirkku.setanen@uu.se
- Sjöström, Helena
- Affiliated PhD student
- helena.sjostrom@uu.se
- Sundberg, Emil
- PhD student
- emil.sundberg@uu.se
- Wentzel, Christian
- Affiliated Researcher
- christian.wentzel@uu.se
- Wikström, Sverre
- Tutor adviser
- Zhou, Otto
- PhD student
- otto.zhou@uu.se