21.3.12 Orthopaedics and Handsurgery
Part of Department of Surgical Sciences
- Fax:
- +46 18 50 94 27
- Visiting address:
- Akademiska sjukhuset, ingång 61, 6 tr
751 85 UPPSALA - Postal address:
- Akademiska sjukhuset, ingång 61, 6 tr
751 85 UPPSALA - Web page:
- https://www.uu.se/institution/kirurgiska-vetenskaper
- Research group leader:
- University directory administration:
- Human resource administration:
- Andersson, Brittmarie
- Research Engineer
- +46 18 471 45 12
- brittmarie.andersson@uu.se
- Argyrakis, Dimitrios
- PhD student
- dimitrios.argyrakis@uu.se
- Aslam, Mohammad Asif
- Specialist physician
- Bajic, Andrej
- PhD student
- andrej.bajic@uu.se
- Berggren, Anna
- PhD student
- anna.a.berggren@uu.se
- Bernhoff, Karin
- Specialist physician
- karin.bernhoff@uu.se
- Björklund, Marcus
- PhD student
- marcus.bjorklund@uu.se
- Borg, Tomas
- Consultant
- tomas.borg@uu.se
- Brodén, Cyrus
- Researcher
- cyrus.broden@uu.se
- Brüggemann, Anders
- Specialist physician
- anders.bruggemann@uu.se
- Carrwik, Christian
- Specialist physician
- christian.carrwik@uu.se
- Cheng, Tian
- PhD student
- tian.cheng@uu.se
- Christersson, Albert
- Adjunct lecturer
- albert.christersson@akademiska.se
- Christersson, Pontus
- PhD student
- pontus.christersson@uu.se
- Claesson, Ulla Ann-Charlotte
- Research coordinator
- +46 18 471 49 37 +46 73 469 71 97
- ann-charlotte.claesson@uu.se
- Cöster, Maria
- Consultant
- maria.coster@uu.se
- Edsfeldt, Sara
- Physician
- sara.edsfeldt@uu.se
- ElMekaty, Mohamed
- PhD student
- mohamed.elmekaty@uu.se
- Eriksson, Hannah
- Researcher
- hannah.eriksson@uu.se
- Falk, Mattias
- PhD student
- mattias.falk@uu.se
- Försth, Peter
- Specialist physician
- peter.forsth@uu.se
- Gardell, Elias
- Specialist physician
- elias.gardell@uu.se
- Garland, Anne
- Physician
- anne.garland@uu.se
- Georgopoulos, Ioannis
- PhD student
- ioannis.georgopoulos@uu.se
- Gerdhem, Paul
- Professor
- paul.gerdhem@uu.se
- Gill Singh, Aman
- PhD student
- aman.gill.singh@uu.se
- Green-Petersen, Ib
- Research Assistant
- ib.green-petersen@uu.se
- Gudnason, Asgeir
- PhD student
- Haapaniemi, Tomas
- PhD student
- Hailer, Nils
- Professor
- nils.hailer@uu.se
- Hailer, Yasmin
- Consultant
- yasmin.hailer@uu.se
- Hernefalk, Björn
- Physician
- bjorn.hernefalk@uu.se
- Holm, Björn
- PhD student
- +46 70 845 65 30
- bjorn.g.holm@uu.se
- Ivars, Katrin
- Researcher
- Joelson, Anders
- Associate professor
- Jonsson, Håkan
- Consultant
- hakan.jonsson@uu.se
- Jonsson, Kenneth
- Adjunct Professor
- +46 18 611 90 37
- kenneth.jonsson@uu.se
- Karlsson, Thomas
- Specialist physician
- thomas.b.karlsson@uu.se
- Khalili, Pendar
- PhD student
- pendar.khalili@uu.se
- Khoschnau, Shwan
- Physician
- shwan.khoschnau@uu.se
- Kontakis, Mikael (Michail)
- PhD student
- mikael.kontakis@uu.se
- Kramer, Elin
- PhD student
- elin.kramer@uu.se
- Larsson, Sune
- Professor emeritus
- +46 18 611 44 70
- sune.larsson@surgsci.uu.se
- Laszlo, Sofia
- PhD student
- sofia.laszlo@uu.se
- Lazarinis, Stergios
- Specialist physician
- lazarinis.stergios@uu.se
- Ljungdahl, Johan
- PhD student
- johan.ljungdahl@uu.se
- Lund Maaninka, Helena
- Research Assistant
- MacDowall, Anna
- Physician
- anna.macdowall@uu.se
- Mallmin, Hans
- Visiting professor
- +46 18 611 44 78
- hans.mallmin@uu.se
- Marques, Catarina
- Physician
- catarina.marques@uu.se
- Marsell, Richard
- Specialist physician
- +46 70 584 02 47
- richard.marsell@uu.se
- Monheim, Sunita
- Researcher
- sunita.monheim@uu.se
- Muder, Daniel
- Specialist physician
- daniel.muder@uu.se
- Nilsson, Olle
- Professor emeritus
- +46 70 643 43 49
- olof.nilsson@akademiska.se
- Olerud, Claes
- Professor emeritus
- +46 18 611 72 24
- claes.olerud@uu.se
- Olerud, Fredrik
- PhD student
- fredrik.olerud@uu.se
- Ossinger, Alexander
- PhD student
- alexander.ossinger@uu.se
- Palechoros, Georgios
- Specialist physician
- georgios.palechoros@uu.se
- Pazarlis, Konstantinos
- Specialist physician
- konstantinos.pazarlis@uu.se
- Penno, Hendrik
- Physician
- hendrik.penno@uu.se
- Peyronson, Fredrik
- PhD student
- fredrik.peyronson@uu.se
- Rendek, Zlatica
- Researcher
- zlatica.rendek@uu.se
- Ribom, Anna Maj
- PhD student
- anna.maj.ribom@uu.se
- Ribom, Eva
- Physiotherapist
- +46 18 611 52 59
- eva.ribom@uu.se
- Robinson, Yohan
- Consultant
- yohan.robinson@uu.se
- Sallfeldt, Ellen
- PhD student
- ellen.sallfeldt@uu.se
- Schizas, Nikos
- Consultant
- nikos.schizas@uu.se
- Schou, Jacob
- PhD student
- jacob.schou@uu.se
- Schönberg, Thomas
- Specialist physician
- thomas.schonberg@uu.se
- Sjöholm, Monica
- Research coordinator
- +46 70 425 00 43
- monica.sjoholm@uu.se
- Sköld, Caroline
- PhD student
- caroline.skold@uu.se
- Snellman, Greta
- Consultant
- greta.snellman@uu.se
- Sotiriou, Dimitrios
- PhD student
- dimitrios.sotiriou@uu.se
- Sprinchorn, Anna
- PhD student
- anna.sprinchorn@uu.se
- Steen, Mårten
- Specialist physician
- marten.steen@uu.se
- Straatmann, Antje
- Specialist physician
- antje.straatmann@uu.se
- Ström, Peter
- Consultant
- peter.strom@uu.se
- Szymanski, Maciej
- PhD student
- maciej.szymanski@uu.se
- Söderberg, Johanna
- Physiotherapist
- johanna.soderberg@uu.se
- Söderlund, Daniel
- Specialist physician
- daniel.soderlund@uu.se
- Taslimi, Jahan
- Specialist physician
- jahan.taslimi@uu.se
- Thor, Ludvig
- Specialist physician
- ludvig.thor@uu.se
- Triebel, Jan
- PhD student
- jan.triebel@uu.se
- Tyson, Yosef
- PhD student
- yosef.tyson@uu.se
- Vedung, Torbjörn
- Consultant
- torbjorn.vedung@uu.se
- Wadström, Miriam
- PhD student
- miriam.wadstrom@uu.se
- Widesköld, Sofie
- PhD student
- sofie.wideskold@uu.se
- Wistrand, Hanna
- Executive secretary
- hanna.wistrand@uu.se
- Wolf, Olof
- Associate professor
- olof.wolf@uu.se
- Åberg, Henrik
- PhD student
- henrik.aberg@uu.se
- Åkesson, Lina
- Specialist physician
- lina.akesson@uu.se
- Örnberg, Camilla
- Finance Officer
- +46 73 469 72 29
- camilla.ornberg@uu.se