Emma Hovén
Researcher at Department of Women's and Children's Health; Physiotherapy and behavioral medicine
- Mobile phone:
- +46 70 167 96 30
- E-mail:
- emma.hoven@uu.se
- Visiting address:
- MTC-huset
Dag Hammarskjölds väg 14B, 1 tr
SE-752 37 Uppsala
Sweden - Postal address:
- Akademiska sjukhuset
SE-751 85 Uppsala
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Short presentation
Associate professor in Medical Psychology.
Director of WOMHER - Uppsala University's Center for Women's Mental Health.
Researcher in the interdisciplinary research program with focus on young people's mental health and well-being (UPIC).
Short presentation
My research today focuses on youth mental health. I work within the interdisciplinary research program UPIC – Youth Mental Health in Focus. UPIC aims to deepen knowledge about youth mental health, including expressions of both well-being and mental ill-health - knowledge that can be used for improced prediction, prevention and provision of timely support and care. By combining different scientific perspectives and methods, UPIC seeks to strengthen young people's mental health.
My research focuses on pediatric psychology, especially children and familes affected by cancer.The overarching aim of my research is to increase our knowledge of psychological, behavioural and social consequences of severe illness such as cancer and to identify the care needs of patients, their families and significant others. The goal is to use this knowledge to further develop psychosocial care and support measures for patients and families.
PhD, associate professor in medical psychology.
Director of WOMHER - an interdisciplinary research center that aims to improve women's mental health.
Recent publications
- The Complexity of Being a Parent in the Hospital and a Patient at Home (2025)
- Educational outcomes school year nine in children treated for acute lymphoblastic leukemia: A nationwide registry‐based study from Sweden (2024)
- Psychometric evaluation of the Swedish version of the PROMIS Sexual Function and Satisfaction Measures in clinical and nonclinical young adult populations (2023)
- Losing a child to adolescent cancer (2023)
- Psychosocial interventions targeting parenting distress among parents with cancer (2023)
All publications
- The Complexity of Being a Parent in the Hospital and a Patient at Home (2025)
- Educational outcomes school year nine in children treated for acute lymphoblastic leukemia: A nationwide registry‐based study from Sweden (2024)
- Psychometric evaluation of the Swedish version of the PROMIS Sexual Function and Satisfaction Measures in clinical and nonclinical young adult populations (2023)
- Losing a child to adolescent cancer (2023)
- Psychosocial interventions targeting parenting distress among parents with cancer (2023)
- Psychotropic medication use in parents of survivors of adolescent cancer (2022)
- Siblings of children diagnosed with cancer (2021)
- "There should be some kind of checklist for the soul" - A qualitative interview study of support needs after end of treatment for gynecologic cancer in young women (2021)
- What makes it work? (2020)
- Psychological distress in parents of children treated for cancer (2019)
- Parents' needs of support following the loss of a child to cancer (2019)
- Feeling excluded and not having anyone to talk to (2019)
- Exploration of psychological distress experienced by survivors of adolescent cancer reporting a need for psychological support (2018)
- Information needs of survivors and families after childhood CNS tumor treatment (2018)
- Prevalence and predictors of symptoms of anxiety and depression, and comorbid symptoms of distress in parents of childhood cancer survivors and bereaved parents five years after end of treatment or a child's death (2018)
- Fifteen Challenges in Establishing a Multidisciplinary Research Program on eHealth Research in a University Setting (2017)
- Impact of a child’s cancer disease on parents’ everyday life (2017)
- Perceptions of support among Swedish parents of children after end of successful cancer treatment (2017)
- Posttraumatic stress and attentional bias towards cancer-related stimuli in parents of children recently diagnosed with cancer (2016)
- Posttraumatic Stress in Parents of Children Diagnosed with Cancer (2016)
- Impressions that last (2016)
- Parents of children diagnosed with cancer (2016)
- Does time heal all wounds? A longitudinal study of the development of posttraumatic stress symptoms in parents of survivors of childhood cancer and bereaved parents (2015)
- Persistent impact of illness on families of adult survivors of childhood central nervous system tumors: (2013)
- A longitudinal assessment of work situation, sick leave, and household income of mothers and fathers of children with cancer in Sweden (2013)
- The met and unmet health care needs of adult survivors of childhood central nervous system tumors (2011)
- Attentional bias towards cancer-related stimuli is related to symptoms of posttraumatic stress in parents of children recently diagnosed with cancer (2015)
- Swedish parents’ need and opportunity to talk to a psychologist after end of their child’s cancer treatment: a longitudinal study (2015)
- Does Time Heal all Wounds? (2014)
- U-CARE: Economic late effects for mothers and fathers of children diagnosed with cancer (2013)